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the region that this intervention was


In July 2014, the Agency supported the

participation of 11 IPA representatives

in a regional workshop on Fostering

Green FDI Opportunities in Latin

America and the Caribbean in Bogota,

Colombia. Caribbean Export facilitated

the mission with the aim of increasing

awarenessof regional and international

stakeholders on the role that Agency,

Caribbean IPAs, and CAIPA play in

the attraction of FDI projects to the

Caribbean. The delegation met with

brand managers in Colombia to discuss

their image building campaigns. The

Caribbean IPA representatives also

had an opportunity to engage with

workshop participants to share the

initiativesbeingundertaken topromote

green FDI within their territories.

IPA professionals also received training

on the good practices in the design and

implementation of a NIPS. The two-

day training, which built on a series

of activities by Caribbean Export to

enhance the capacity of regional IPA

professionals, was delivered with the

aim of providing guidance to those

countries that are in the process of

designing, and to support those who

were at the stage of implementing

said Strategy. Overall, 14 IPAs received

training, in addition to using the

opportunity to network with regional

and international counterparts.

In June 2015, Caribbean Export in

collaboration with CAIPA, hosted a

workshop in Saint Lucia, aimed at assisting CAIPA members in the development

of a Reinvestment Strategy, which essentially targets investments from existing

investors, and creates linkages in the domestic economy between investors and

local suppliers. The workshop formed a part of initiatives being undertaken with

support from IDB under a Regional Public Goods Programme entitled “Support

for FDI in the Caribbean”. The objective of this project was to assist regional IPAs

in the positioning of the Caribbean as a location for FDI and present the region

as a single investment destination. Outcomes of this workshop included the

development of strategies within regional IPAs to address the needs of existing

investors, as well as the provision of assistance in the expansion plans across the

Caribbean. Twenty-two (22) IPA professionals participated in the

training session.