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Practice Direction

Practice Direction

Powers of Attorney

Act, 1996

Enduring Powers of

Attorney Regulations


(S. I . No. 196 of


The above entitled Act contains

provisions for applications to be made

to the High Court in relation to

"enduring powers of attorney" as

therein defined. Pending the making of

Rules of Court by the Superior Court

Rules Committee the procedure to be

adopted in making such applications

should be as follows:

(1) Applications under sections 8, 9( 1),

9(3) of the Act and paragraph 4(2)

of the First Schedule to the Act

should be made by Special

Summons to be issued in the Central

Office. The summons should be


"In the matter of the Powers of

Attorney Act, 1996"

In the matter of an Instrument

creating an Enduring Power of

Attorney executed by A.B. of

on the

day of


On the application of



It should be addressed to the

"Registrar of Wards of Court".

Reference to the requirement to

attend before the Master contained

in Form 3 of Appendix A to the

1986 Rules should be deleted and in

lieu thereof the following inserted;

"No service. This Summons is

issued for the purpose of

obtaining an order pursuant to the

provisions of the Powers of

Attorney Act, 1996".

(2) The Endorsement on the summons

should set out the section of the Act

under which the application is

brought and the relief claimed. It

should be grounded on an affidavit

which should contain the

information set out in Schedule 1

hereto, and which should exhibit the

documents set out in, Schedule 2


(3) As soon as practicable after the issue

of the Summons two copies of the

Summons and of the affidavit

grounding it and copies of the

exhibits (certified by the applicant's

solicitor as being true copies) should

be delivered by hand to the office of

the Registrar of Wards of Court.

(4) When an application for registration

is made under section 9( 1) of the

Act and section 10(2) does not apply

the Registrar shall proceed to

register the Enduring Power of

Attorney in accordance with the

provisions of the Act. When section

10(2) applies and in the case of

applications under sections 8 and

section 9(3) of the Act the Registrar

shall obtain the directions of the

President of the High Court or a

judge nominated by him as to what

enquiries are to be made [when the

application is made under section

9(1)], what persons should be given

notice of the hearing, the date of the

hearing and any other matter

required to enable the court to

exercise its jurisdiction under the

Act. In the case of applications

under paragraph 4(2) of the First

Schedule to the Act the Registrar

shall obtain the directions of the

President or a judge nominated by

him as to the date of the hearing and

as to the persons (if any) who should

be given notice of the hearing.

(5) Applications under section 12(1)

and 12(3) shall be by notice of

motion to be issued in the Central

Office directed to the Registrar. The

Registrar shall obtain the Directions

of the President or of a judge

nominated by him as to the persons

to be served with the motion (if

any), the date of the hearing, and

any other matter required to enable

the court to exercise its jurisdiction

under the Act.


24 July 1996.


President of the High Court.


Information to be set out in the

Affidavit grounding an application

for relief under the Powers of

Attorney Act 1996.

(i) The present address of the Donor

and of the persons to whom

notice under the Act has been


(ii) The date on which the EPA was


(iii) The date on which Notice of

Execution by the Donor was

given and the persons to whom

such Notice was given.

(iv) Date of Completion of Statement

by Attorney (Part C of


(v) Date of Completion of Statement

by Attorney (Pan D of


(vi) Date of Completion of Statement

by Solicitor (Part D of


(vii) Date on which Notice of

Intention to apply for

Registration was given to the


(viii) Dates on which Notice of

Intention to apply for

Registration was given to the

Notice persons, referred to in (i)

and (iii) above.

(ix) That the EPA is in the same state

plight and condition as when it

came into the possession of the
