Station Area Master Plan – Streetscapes and Placemaking
Page | 2-23
street parking spaces for flexible, business supporting uses where these are requested or
supported by local business owners.
C. : Temporary Parklets
The City of Morgan Hill has
participated in the world-wide
movement for "PARK(ing) Day", a
single-day festival where local
businesses and community members
can sponsor temporary parklets to
showcase creative opportunities and
gain support for a more long-term
parklet program.
As part of the Complete Streets Work
Program, the City plans to develop
policy guidelines for parklets in an
effort to streamline the process and
encourage parklet development and
investment. These parklets are
intended to activate the pedestrian
pathways, enhance the pedestrian
experience and slow down traffic
along Monterey Road (See
Figure 2-23.)To advance that initiative, the City may consider the following strategies:
Figure 2-23: Examples of temporary parklets
Figure 2-22: Example of cafe seating parklet
Figure 2-21: Example of sidewalk extension parklet