City of Morgan Hill
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Preliminary program pilot period
– some cities have implemented a pilot period
for their parklet program and selected a small number of pilot parklet locations to
implement new parklets. The implementation of pilot parklets has allowed these
cities to identify and correct potential challenges or barriers to an effective
implementation of a long-term parklet program.
Temporary and long term parklet permits
– some cities allow for varying permit
lengths for parklets. For example, an adjacent business may request a single-day
permit for a parklet. Later that business may request a permit for a more
permanent installation for a summer or year-long permit. In some instances, cities
recommend applicants apply for single-day permits first as a type of proof-of-
concept, prior to allowing for long-term installations.
Table 2-3 describes how Buffer Area improvements can be located along streets in the
Downtown street typology categories.