Station Area Master Plan – Transportation Context
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Public Bus Service – VTA
The Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) operates bus service, park-in-ride
lots, and paratransit service in all jurisdictions within Santa Clara County, including Morgan
The main bus transfer facility for all VTA lines in Morgan Hill is located in the park-in-ride
lot at the Morgan Hill Transit Center.
Existing Service
The VTA bus routes serving the Station Area
e Figure 1-9)include the followin
g 5 :•
Express Route 168
an express bus
route, provides service during
weekday peak commute periods
between the Gilroy Transit Center
and the San Jose Diridon Transit
Center. In Downtown Morgan Hill, it
operates along Butterfield Boulevard
and Dunne Avenue, and serves the
Morgan Hill Transit Center. Route
168 operates with approximately 30-
minute headways between 6:00 to
8:00 am and 4:30 to 6:30 pm. Destinations and travel times for Route 168 are:
San Jose Convention Center: 37 minutes
San Jose Diridon Station: 47 minutes
Gilroy Transit Center: 25 minutes
Express Route 121
, an express bus route, provides service during weekday peak
commute periods between the Gilroy Transit Center and the Lockheed Martin
Transit Center. In Downtown Morgan Hill, it operates along Butterfield Boulevard
The VTA initiated service on Express Route 185 in April 2017 while this report was being prepared.
It operates during weekday commute periods between the Gilroy Transit Center and Mountain
View and stops at the Morgan Hill Transit Center. It has three northbound buses in the morning
on headways of 40 to 50 minutes and three southbound buses in the evening on 60-minute
Figure 1-9: VTA bus routes serving the Station Area