Station Area Master Plan – Transportation Context
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Other communities are using TNC services to support more traditional bus service. The
Livermore-Amador Valley Transit Authority (LAVTA) has entered into agreements with Lyft
and Uber to provide service to customers in low density areas where it is not feasible to
operate fixed-route bus service and in areas where their buses cannot operate. The cities
of Foster City and San Mateo have partnered with Scoop Technologies to provide
subsidized carpool trips to anyone who works or lives in either community.
Private Rideshare and Bus Service Toolbox
Transportation Network Companies and private bus service offer flexible transportation
alternatives to Morgan Hill, especially for individuals who do not own or have access to a
vehicle. Some related tools include:
Working with TNCs to develop a campaign to increase the supply of drivers,
possibly attracting those who currently volunteer as drivers for charities such as
Meals on Wheels, to increase the supply of TNC vehicles and services.
Working with VTA to provide subsidized TNC rides to areas without frequent
transit service.
Explore opportunities with private shuttle companies to provide additional
services in Morgan Hill.
This section provides information on the parking supply and demand within the Downtown
Specific Plan area based on information from the “Morgan Hill Downtown Parking
Conditions Study”, prepared by Hexagon Transportation Consultants, Inc. and dated
February 26, 2016 and current development proposals.
Parking Supply
The acceptable walking distance limit standard from parking locations to destinations is
within a quarter-mile to a half-mile. This standard is used throughout the United States
and has been a standard in California for all types of urban environments since the late
Figure 1-11 demonstrates these walking distances from public and commercial
privately-owned parking lots to the center (Monterey Road and Third Street) of Morgan
Hill’s Downtown core. The map clarifies that there is access to parking within an acceptable
walking distance (within a quarter mile) situated throughout Downtown. This map also