Yale
Cocktail.
Fill
a
mixing-glass
half-full
fine
ice,
three
dashes
orange
bitters,
one
dash
Peyschaud
bitters,
a
piece
lemon-peel,
one
jigger
Tom
gin.
Mix,
strain
into
cocktail-glass;
add
a
squirt
of
siphon
seltzer.
York
Cocktail.
mixing-glass
half-full
fine
ice,
three
dashes
orange
bitters,
one-half
jigger
whiskey,
one-half
jigger
vermouth.
Mix,
strain
into
cocktail-glass,
squeeze
piece
of
lemon-peel
over
the
top.
Serve.
Brandy
Collins.
Cut
a
lemon
in
half,
place
it
in
a
mixing-glass,
add
one
tablespoonful
fine
sugar,
crush
with
mud-
dler
so
as
to
extract
both
the
juice
of
the
lemon
and
part
of
the
oil
of
the
rind,
fill
the
glass
half
full
of
fine
ice,
add
one
jigger
brandy.
Mix
well,
strain
into
a
Collins-glass
containing
a
piece
of
ice,
pour
in
a
bottle
of
plain
soda.
Stir
with
a
long
bar-spoon
and
serve.
John
Collins.
Prepare
same
as
Brandy
Collins,
substituting
Holland
gin
for
brandy.