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INFORMS Philadelphia – 2015


24 - Stable Strategic Marriages

James Bailey, Graduate Student, Georgia Institute of Technology,

116 Ponce De Leon Ave NE, Atlanta, GA, 30308, United States of


Craig Tovey

The effect of lying on the stability of marriages is a long standing open problem.

When men and women behave strategically, an ideal decision mechanism selects

a marriage that is (1) stable, and (2) egalitarian, with respect to sincere

preferences. We provide a positive result to (1) and a negative result to (2) under

two natural conditions. We strengthen current results about the Gale-Shapley

algorithm, showing that the woman-optimal marriage is the only obtainable one

when men propose.

25 - Decision Analytics for Managing Invasive Wild Pigs

Matthew Brondum, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 3909 Halls

Ferry Rd., Vicksburg, MS, 39180, United States of America,,

Igor Linkov, Zach Collier,

Buddy Goatcher

Wild pigs pose significant environmental, economic, and social risks to the United

States and around the world. A number of wild pig eradication and control

measures exist, but many eradication campaigns are ultimately unsuccessful due

to a variety of complexities across multiple domains. We are developing a decision

analytic tool which will assist affected landowners in deciding which eradication

technique best suits their site-specific interests.

26 - The Regional Logistics Hubs Location Problem Based on the

Topsis and Genetic Algorithm: A Case of Sichuan

Si Chen, Southwest Jiaotong University, #1 Jingqu Road, Emei,


, Qian Guo, Mi Gan

The regional logistics demands, which are the key factors for logistics hubs

location problem, are changing with the developing regional economic and the

structure of industry. Then we aim to modeling this problem with an integrated

approach of multi-criteria decision making and integer programming model. And

the real data case of Sichuan is employed to verify the feasibility of proposed

models and approach. Moreover, the numerical results are corresponding to the

actual logistics situation.

27 - Promotional Mix and Pricing Strategy with Risk-averse Buyers in

the Age of Social Media

Wei-yu Kevin Chiang, City University of Hong Kong, P7614,

Academic 1, Hong Kong, Hong Kong - PRC,

, Qiao Wang, Lu Qiang

How should a firm minimize the wastage on marketing expenditure with an

efficient promotional mix? The firm has two promotional strategies, hype

advertising campaign (HAC), which refers to a basic publicity that makes

consumers aware of the product’s existence, and referral reward program (RRP),

which refers to an incentive-based program that offers rewards to the existing

buyers for bringing in new buyers. We study the firm’s optimal promotional mix

and pricing strategy with risk-averse buyers.

28 - A Game Theoretic Analysis of Electricity Time-of-use (TOU)

Tariff for Residential Customers

Dong Gu Choi, Senior Researcher, Korea Institute of Energy

Research, 152 Gajeong-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 34129, Korea,

Republic of,

, Valerie Thomas

We properly formulate a game-theoretic model for analyzing not only the optimal

behaviors of both an electric utility and residential customers but also their

monetary gains or losses under a TOU tariff. With two heterogeneous customer

types in terms of consumption pattern, we identify that a win-win situation is not

possible. Also, we emphasize our analytic results by describing a numerical

example, and we discuss the implications of our results for electric utilities and

regulatory agencies.

29 - Why Classical Hybrids are so Risky for Entrepreneurs,

and What to do About it

Gaston De Los Reyes, Assistant Professor, George Washington

University School of Business, 2201 G St. NW, Funger 615,

Washington, DC, 20008, United States of America,

Williamson (1991) insufficiently characterized the institutions of hybrid

governance, emphasizing forms that feature neoclassical devices to co-govern past

contract close. Entrepreneurs, however, frequently resort to hybrids of classical

form, lacking terms to protect from ‘lawful’ opportunism in case of disruption. I

explicate the implications, drawing upon my dissertation study of contract law. I

discuss a novel institutional solution and managerial strategies for the status quo.

30 - An Integrated Make-pack-route Problem of Fresh Agri-food

Online Retailing in China

Mu Du, Institute of Systems Engineering, Dalian University of

Technology, No.2 Linggong Road, Dalian, China,

, Xiangpei Hu, Nan Kong

Fresh agri-food sold by farm-to-home online retail is produced through a make-

pack-route process at farm’s distribution centers. Due to the large variety of

produce and high cost of intermediate storage, an integrated decision model is

employed to coordinate these different operations. We introduce a make-pack-

route model that minimizes the total cost and propose an effective heuristic

method. We report a case study based on real-world business practice in China.

31 - Decision Analytic Modeling of the Five Competitive Forces

in the Residential Solar Industry

Karim Farhat, PhD Candidate, Management Science and

Engineering, Stanford University, 475 Via Ortega,

Huang Engineering Center 245A, Stanford, CA, 94305,

United States of America,

Using a first-of-kind quantitative decision-analytic model of Michael Porter’s five

competitive forces, we investigate an international solar firm’s plan to enter and

properly position in the US residential solar PV industry. Applying a Bayesian

probabilistic approach, the model assesses the uncertain profitability of the overall

competitive market, and it provides several insights on the firm’s go-to-market

strategy, including: regional focus, vertical integration, and customer finance.

32 - Portfolio Analysis for Army Corps of Engineers Business

Line Integration

Cate Fox-lent, US Army Corps of Engineers, 333 Massachusetts

Ave 7, Arlington, MA, 02474, United States of America,

, Matthew Bates, Christy Foran

Portfolio analysis is used to demonstrate opportunities to leverage synergies across

business lines. Coastal systems can benefit from reduced cost, reduced

environmental impact, or increased project performance when planning for

Navigation, Environmental Restoration, and Coastal Storm Risk Management

projects is intentionally integrated. Long-term monitoring to improve

quantification of project interactions can lead to improved utility of this type of


33 - Incorporating Passenger Recovery Decisions During Airline

Operations Recovery

Dinakar Gade, Senior Operations Research, Sabre,

3150 Sabre Drive, Southlake, TX, 76092, United States of


, Sureshan Karichery,

Shahram Shahinpour

Airlines are faced with several types of disruptions that impede regular

operations. The Sabre AirCentre Recovery Manager (Ops) helps airlines quickly

recover both the schedule and aircraft rotations from disruptions. We introduce a

new feature of Recovery Manager called the Passenger Flow Module (PFM) that

incorporates passenger re-accommodation decisions during schedule recovery.

The solutions generated reduce the impact to passenger flows in the network and

reduce passenger inconvenience.

34 - The Impact of Roadway Traffic Flow in Regional Network

Design Problem

Mi Gan, Dr, Southwest Jiaotong University, 111 N 2nd Bound

Erhuan Road, Chengdu, SC, 610031, China,,

Si Chen

In order to solving the problem that the existed logistics network design

models(LND) are lack of consider on roadway traffic flow. The uncover degree

function of logistics facility nodes based on impedance function was constructed.

Then, integrated logistics network design models and corresponding algorithms

were proposed with the basis of uncover degree function. The comparison of

general LND models and models we developed by real case reveals the impact of

roadway traffic flow on LND.

35 - Evaluating Zoning Strategies for Demand Responsive

Transit Systems

Eric Gonzales, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Department

of Civil & Environmental Eng., 130 Natural Resources Road,

Amherst, MA, 01003, United States of America,,

Mahour Rahimi

DRT systems often divide their service area into smaller regions in order to

simplify operations. However, this management strategy can create inefficiencies.

This paper develops an analytical formulation to explain the relation between

agency cost and zoning strategies. The two main objectives are to understand

when a service area needs to be divided into smaller regions to reduce the total

costs of a DRT system and how the split should be done in order to be the most

cost effective.

36 - Supply Enhancement in Capital-constraint Assembly System:

Financing Suppliers or Dual Sourcing?

Chaocheng Gu, PhD Candidate, Huazhong University of Science

and Technolgy, 1037 Luoyu Rd., 326 School of Management,

Wuhan, HB, 430074, China,,

Shiming Deng

we study two mechanisms for supply reliability enhancement in capital constraint

assembly system. Financial mechanism. Three financial strategies are examined;

that is, bank finance, buyer finance and a combined peer finance. The

manufacturer can also avail of a more expensive backup sourcing. When bank

finance and buyer

finance both present, the manufacturer always prefer buyer finance.The optimal

mechanism switches back and forth as the equilibrium order quantity increases.