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INFORMS Philadelphia – 2015


37 - Rating Aggregation in Multi-dimensional Rating Systems:

How do Reviewers Form Overall Ratings?

Dominik Gutt, PhD Candidate, University of Paderborn,

Warburger Str. 100, Paderborn, 33098, Germany,,

Dennis Kundisch

A recent strain of literature on online product reviews has focused in particular

on multi-dimensional product reviews. Multi-dimensional product reviews

usually allow the reviewer to rate a product first, based on one overall rating, and

second, based on a set of several sub-dimensions. Mostly, overall ratings do not

equal e.g. the calculated mean of the sub-dimensions. Our research will shed light

on the question, which heuristics reviewers use to form an overall rating.

38 - Cyclic Timetabling and Platforming of Mixed Train Types on a

Bidirectional Railway Line

Mojtaba Heydar, University of Newcastle, University Drive,

Callaghan, Australia,

We present a mixed integer program for cyclic train timetabling and platforming

problem. It is assumed that there are different types of trains moving on a single,

bidirectional railway line. Two objectivesótimetable cycle length and total journey

time of all train typesóare considered. Constrains include infrastructure

characteristics, safety regulations, and operational rules. Heuristics and exact

methods are combined with math model to solve large problem instances are

solved and discussed.

39 - The Impact of Platform Update Interval on Platform Diffusion in a

Cooperative Mobile Ecosystem

Yoo S. Hong, Professor, Seoul National University, 1 Gwanak-ro,

Gwanak-gu, Seoul, 08826, Korea, Republic of,


Gyesik Oh

Periodic platform upgrading is one of the effective strategies for potential

participants as well as existing stakeholders. However, the diffusion of an updated

platform is ineffective in a cooperative mobile ecosystem where a manufacturer

modifies a platform released as open-source software on its smartphones. This

paper models the effectiveness of platform diffusion with respect to the platform

update interval in consideration of the manufacturer’s decision mechanism.

40 - Operational Health Information Exchange Platform

Kang-yu Hsu, PhD Student, Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall,

West Lafayette, IN, 47907, United States of America,

, Poching Delaurentis, Yuehwern Yih,

Rich Zink

Health Information Exchange (HIE) has been focusing on utilizing patient

electronic health records to improve service quality and patient safety. The

exploitation of HIE, however, can go beyond patient records. This study aims to

build an infusion drug limit library database and embedded analytical tools as a

pilot for the operational HIE platform that may house and utilize other types of

data with similar usage and functionality.

41 - Design and Pricing of Crop Insurance Based on NDVI

Jing Huang, Hohai University, No.8 Focheng Road, Nanjing,


, Anna Shi, Huimin Wang,

Jinping Tong

The crop index-insurance is a possible approach to solve the dilemmas in

traditional crop insurance. In this study, the crop insurance contract is designed

based on remote sensed Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). Then

the crop yield estimation models in different expectations is proposed. Lastly, the

pure rate of premium is presented under different triggers using nonparametric

kernel density model. The paddy rice in three cities in Yunnan Province, China

are chosen as an example.

42 - An Infinite Time Horizon Portfolio Optimization Model

with Delays

Azmat Hussain, PhD Student, North Carolina State University,

Raleigh, NC, 27606, United States of America,

We consider a portfolio optimization problem over an infinite time horizon. The

problem is formulated as a stochastic control problem and the state is governed by

a stochastic process with delay. The goal is to choose investment and consumption

controls such that the total expected discounted utility is maximized. Under some

conditions, the corresponding HJB equations for exponential, log and HARA

utility functions are solved and verification results and the optimal control are

also established.

43 - Optimization of the Order-up-to and Reorder Levels for Each

Item in the Forward Area of Warehouse

Takashi Irohara, Professor, Sophia University, 7-1 Kioi-cho,

Chiyodaku, Tokyo, 1028554, Japan,

We propose an optimization procedure to solve a forward reserve allocation

problem and determine the order-up-to and reorder levels for each item in the

forward area. In the target warehouse or distribution center, the forward area

stores items in a unit of piece for efficient order picking and the reserve area

stores items in a unit of case. There is a tradeoff between replenishment

frequency and inventory space in the forward area. We show the effectiveness of

the proposed method.

44 - Net Energy Analysis of Wind/Solar Generation and Electric

Vehicles: Are They as Green as They Seem?

Tongdan Jin, Texas State University, 601 University Drive,

San Marcos, TX, United States of America,


Joseph Duke

Wind and solar energy are widely hailed as “free” and “clean” energy. Similarly,

electric vehicles (EV) that run on batteries are considered to be much greener

than their gasoline counterparts. But is it possible that the environmental benefits

from new energy and transport technologies may be exaggerated? The goal of this

research is to perform an analysis of the lifecycle CO2 emissions, from wind

turbines, solar photovoltaic panels, and EV, to weigh together the cost and


45 - Design and Modelling of Crowdsource Enabled Relay System for

Urban Parcel Delivery

Nabin Kafle, Research Assistant, UIC, 842 W Taylor St, Chicago,

IL, 60616, United States of America,,

Bo Zou,

Jane Lin

We propose a new relay-based intermodal system for urban parcel delivery

enabled by crowdsourcing technology. A mathematical model is formulated

which (i) identifies relay locations and their visiting order by the delivery truck;

and (ii) uses local green modes in place of the delivery truck for last-leg

pickup/delivery from the chosen relay points, where crowdsources are selected

through auction. We develop a heuristic algorithm to solve the model.

46 - Automatic Sentiment Words Extraction from Online Reviews

for Product Comparison

Eunji Kim, Data Mining Lab., 39-339, Seoul Natl’ Univ.,

Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul, Korea, Republic of,

, Sungzoon Cho

Online customer reviews are potentially a great source for improving the quality

of products or services. However, it is technically tough to automate it because the

review data is vast and unstructured. We propose a text mining approach that can

handle a context dependent sentiment of a word in reviews. A word is associated

with different sentiment values for different product categories. This enables us to

extract pros and cons of a product when compared to similar products.

47 - A Cooperative Game Theory Approach to Highway

Cost Allocation

Saurav Kumar Dubey, PhD Student Department of Industrial and

Systems Engineering, University of Tennessee at Knoxville, 1615

Laurel Avenue, Box-203, Knoxville, TN, 37916, United States of


Alberto Garcia-Diaz

Traditional methods of allocating highway cost among vehicle classes include

proportional and incremental procedures. Two non-traditional game-theoretic

concepts of Least Core and Discrete Aumann-Shapley Value will be shown to be

effective in integrating Traffic Capacity and Pavement Thickness requirements.

The Nucleolus solution concept will be implemented to strengthen the core

stability of Highway Cost Allocation game and reinforce the principles of fairness

and rationality.

48 - Incorporating the Impact of Product Reviews on Future

Propensity to Purchase

Matthew Lanham, Doctoral Candidate, Virginia Tech, Dept. of BIT

(0235), Blacksburg, VA, 24061, United States of America,

, Ralph Badinelli

This study investigates the potential impact that publically accessible product

reviews might have on future sales and propensity to purchase for a national

retailer and provides a means to incorporate this knowledge posteriori to already

derived demand forecasts. The study is motivated by the emergence of Big Data

Analytics (BDA) in the retail industry to improve consumer experience, products,

and services.

49 - Active Fund Performance: A Full-distributional Analysis

Yongjae Lee, Korea Advanced Institution of Science and

Technology, 291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 34141, Korea,

Republic of,

, William T. Ziemba,

Woo Chang Kim

Performance evaluation of active funds has been eagerly studied by many

scholars in finance. They have compared the performance distribution of active

funds to relevant benchmarks. Most of these studies were naÔve comparisons of a

full distribution to a small number of points that do not reveal distributional

characteristics. Therefore, we analyze the Sharpe ratio distributions of active

funds in comparison with analytically derived Sharpe ratio distributions of all

feasible portfolios.