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INFORMS Philadelphia – 2015


2 - Real-time Airline Schedule Recovery

Dejun Hang, Jeppesen, Englewood, CO,

United States of America,

In airline daily operations, the schedule is often disrupted by events unforeseen at

the planning stage. Recovering the disrupted schedule as fast as possible with

good quality is critical to protect revenue. We present how Jeppesen’s Fleet

Management System approaches this problem. We will discuss the underlying

models and algorithms used to solve the aircraft and crew schedule recovery

problems, and also some of the critical support processes.


71-Room 202B, CC

Mobility Choices in Urban Transportation

Sponsor: TSL/Urban Transportation

Sponsored Session

Chair: Hai Jiang, Tsinghua University, Dept of Industrial Engineering,

Beijing, China,

1 - Determinants of Private Vehicle use Intensity: Evidence from

Disaggregate Household Data in China

Hai Jiang, Tsinghua University, Dept of Industrial Engineering,

Beijing, China,

, Zhao Zhang

The level of congestion is primarily determined by the number of vehicles owned

by the residents and their use intensity (that is, annual vehicle miles driven).

Existing literature typically conduct the analysis using aggregated macroeconomic

variables. In this talk, we use disaggregate household data to identify

determinants of private vehicle use intensity in China. We find that gasoline price

plays little role in use intensity, which is consistent with results from existing

literature using macroeconomic data. We also find that the socioeconomic

characteristics of the household has considerable effect in vehicle use intensity.

2 - A Comparison of Mixed Logit and Latent Class Methods for Mode

Choice Analysis

Yuntao Guo, Purdue University, Lyles School of Civil Engineering,

West Lafayette, IN, 47907-2051, United States of America,,

Jian Wang, Srinivas Peeta

This study aims to investigate the differences between the mixed logit and the

latent class methods in terms of model fit, model insights, predicted travel mode

choice, and spatial transferability using a large sample of revealed preference

travel mode choice data. The model can help planners to develop effective

strategies to foster more sustainable transportation mode choice behaviors by

reducing automobile dependency and encouraging the usage of alternative modes

of travel.

3 - Traffic Equilibrium and Pricing with Information in a

Correlated Network

Song Gao, Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts

Amherst, Department of Civil and Env. Engineering, 214C

Marston Hall130 Nat. Resources Rd, Amherst, MA, 01003, United

States of America,

, Andre de Palma

We study the impacts of correlation and information penetration rate in a

network with correlated, random link capacities, in terms of the types of

equilibrium solution (corner vs interior for informed and uninformed

respectively), the user cost for informed and uninformed, the social cost, and the

optimal price for system optimum.


72-Room 203A, CC

Journal of Quality Technology (JQT) Invited Session

Sponsor: Quality, Statistics and Reliability

Sponsored Session

Chair: Fugee Tsung, Prof., HKUST, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong

Kong - PRC,

1 - An Introduction to Statistical Issues and Methods in Metrology

Joanne Wendelberger, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Statistical

Sciences Group, MS F600, Los Alamos, NM, 87545, United States

of America,

, Michael Hamada, Max Morris,

Stephen Vardeman, J. Marcus Jobe, Tom Burr, Huaiqing Wu,

Leslie Moore

Statistical science and metrology provide valuable concepts and approaches for

assessing the quality of measured data. Measurement quality impacts the

knowledge that can be gained by collecting and analyzing data using statistical

methods, and appropriate data collection and analysis quantifies the quality of

measurements. An overview of statistical issues and methods in metrology is

presented that includes both frequentist and Bayesian methodologies.

2 - From Profile to Surface Monitoring: SPC for Cylindrical Surfaces

via Gaussian Processes

Bianca Colosimo, Professor, Politecnico MILANO, via La Masa, 1,

Milano, 20156, Italy,,

Massimo Pacella

Quality of machined products is often related to the final shapes of the

manufactured surfaces. This paper presents a novel method for surface

monitoring, which combines Gaussian processes to model the manufactured

shape and multivariate control charting for monitoring the deviations of the

actual surface from the in-control pattern. Regardless of the specific case study,

the proposed approach is general and can be extended to deal with different kinds

of surfaces or profiles.

3 - Multimode Geometric Profile Monitoring with Temporally

Correlated Image Data

Abhishek Shrivastava, Assistant Professor, FAMU-FSU College of

Engineering, Dept of Industrial & Manufacturing Eng,

Tallahassee, FL, 32310, United States of America,

, Park Chiwoo

We propose a new method for monitoring changes in geometrical profiles of

objects in a dynamic process; changes in profiles occur in various modes. This

work is motivated by the need for monitoring changes in geometrical shape and

sizes of nanoparticles during self-assembly process. The proposed multimode

geometric profile monitoring method addresses three specific issues - profiling of

functional data, monitoring of multimode processes, and monitoring of time-

correlated processes.

4 - Statistical Surface Monitoring by Spatial-Structure Modeling

Kaibo Wang, Associate Professor, Tsinghua University,

Department of Industrial Engineering, Beijing, China,,

Fugee Tsung, Andi Wang

We propose a new chart based on the Gaussian-Kriging model to monitor a two-

dimensional (2-D) surface. A parametric model that considers three components

of the surface, the global trend, the spatial correlations, and independent errors, is

first constructed; then we monitor the process by detecting changes in the

estimated parameters. This method is utilized to monitor a wafer-manufacturing

process and its performance is compared with that of an existing method through



73-Room 203B, CC

Game-theoretical Models in Maintenance

and Reliability

Sponsor: Quality, Statistics and Reliability

Sponsored Session

Chair: Maryam Hamidi, PhD Candidate, University of Arizona, 1127 E.

James E. Rogers Way, Room 111, P.O. Box 210020, Tucson, AZ, 85721,

United States of America,

1 - A Cooperative Game of Spare-Parts Systems

Ulas Ozen, Ozyegin University, Ozyegin University Cekmekoy

Campus, Istanbul, Turkey,

We consider a group of firms that keep spare-parts inventory to maintain their

equipments. The firms can cooperate by pooling their spare-parts inventory and

reduce costs. One important question is how the benefit of such cooperation

should be shared between the participating firms. The firms’ spare-parts

investment problem is modeled as a queueing model and we study the associated

cooperative game. We show that the resulting game has a non-empty core.

Several extensions are studied further.

2 - Non-cooperative Game Theory Analysis in Supply Chain

Internal Financing

Wanying Shi, Western New England University, 1215 Wilbraham

Street, Springfield, MA, 01119, United States of America,

, Julie Drzymalski

This paper evaluates the effect of wholesale price discount contract on

coordinating non-cooperative supply chain financing between a liquid supplier

and a capital constrained retailer at a risk-free rate. Optimal policies for retailer

and supplier are found. Profits and efficiencies of retailer, supplier and supply

chain are compared in both the retailer- and supplier-led Stackelberg games.

Results show that internal financing will increase overall profits.
