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INFORMS Philadelphia – 2015


5 - Data Mining for Problem-Specific State Space Design in Routing


Dirk Mattfeld, Technische Universität Braunschweig,

Braunschweig, 38106, Germany,


Ninja Soeffker, Marlin Ulmer

We consider a dynamic routing problem, where a vehicle serves customer

requests arriving stochastically over time. Due to a time limit, not every request

can be served. Rejections are possible to maximize the overall number of served

requests. For anticipation of future requests, we apply value function

approximation (VFA). For improvement of the approximation process, we

combine VFA with data mining operations to derive a problem specific VFA-state

space based on the observed problem states.


68-Room 201B, CC

Green Vehicle Routing

Sponsor: Transportation, Science and Logistics

Sponsored Session

Chair: Mesut Yavuz, Associate Professor, University of Alabama, Alston

Hall Box 870226, Tuscaloosa, AL, 35487, United States of America,

1 - Pathways to Green Logistics: Past, Present and Future of the

Green Vehicle Routing Problem (GVRP)

Sevgi Erdogan, Faculty Research Associate, University of

Maryland-NCSG, 1112 J Preinkert Field House, College Park, MD,

20742, United States of America,

This talk will give a brief background to the GVRP and a review of the variants

and extensions to the problem as well as techniques to their modeling and

solution. A close analysis of the state of literature will be given. Pathways for

future research will be discussed.

2 - The Electric Fleet Size and Mix Vehicle Routing Problem with

Time Windows and Recharging Stations

Richard Hartl, Professor, University of Vienna, Oskar-

Morgenstern-Platz 1, Vienna, Austria,


Gerhard Hierman, Jakob Puchinger, Stefan Ropke

When routing electrical vehicles, limited battery capacity makes detours to

recharging stations necessary. We introduce the E-FSMVRPTW to model decisions

regarding the fleet composition and the actual routing including the choice of

recharging times and locations. We propose a branch-and-price method as well as

an ALNS with an embedded local search and labelling procedure. The

effectiveness of the proposed approach is shown on a newly created set of

benchmark instances and existing benchmarks.

3 - An Iterated Beam Search Algorithm for the Green Vehicle Routing

Problem in Service Fleets

Mesut Yavuz, Associate Professor, University of Alabama,

Alston Hall Box 870226, Tuscaloosa, AL, 35487,

United States of America,

We present a novel Iterated Beam Search (IBS) solution to the Green Vehicle

Routing Problem (GVRP) in Service Fleets. The problem allows internal and

external refueling and aims to minimize the total travel distance of a

homogeneous fleet. Two mathematical formulations (vehicle flows and set

partitioning) are built and a lower bound is obtained for each. Two heuristics

(savings and insertion) are adopted for upper bounding. We also present

preliminary results of a computational experiment.

4 - Fleet Sizing and Scheduling for Mixed Fleets with Alternative

Fuel Vehicles

Ismail Capar, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX,

United States of America,

We present a mixed-integer formulation for a new type of fleet sizing and

scheduling problem. The formulation consider special need for refueling of

alternative fuel vehicles due to their limited range and/or limited refueling

infrastructure, such as availability of charging stations for electric vehicles. We

provide results of numerical analysis together with managerial insights.


69-Room 201C, CC

Facility Logistics IV

Sponsor: TSL/Facility Logistics

Sponsored Session

Chair: Debjit Roy, Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Management

Ahmedabad, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad, 380015, India,

1 - Robust Supply Chain Design and Operation under Uncertainty

Deniz Tursun, Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of

Illinois Urbana Champaign, 3308 Sharp Drive, Champaign, IL,

61822, United States of America,

Robust supply chain design and operation under uncertainty problems lead to

confluence of integer and continuous variables, which call for Mixed-Integer

Nonlinear Programming (MINLP) algorithms. We consider a comprehensive

random projection algorithm for a subclass of MINLP’s, where the objective and

constraints are defined by convex functions and integrality restrictions are

imposed on a subset of the decision variables.

2 - Batching Decisions in Stock-to-Picker Order Picking

Debjit Roy, Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Management

Ahmedabad, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad, 380015, India,,

Vibhuti Dhingra, Jennifer Pazour

We develop new analytical models to analyze performance of static vs. dynamic

batching policies in stock-to-picker order pick systems. In particular, we analyze

the effect of batch size, variability in item inter-arrival times, and item

commonality on order pick performance.

3 - Branch-and-Price for the Capacitated Mobile Facility

Location Problem

S. Raghavan, Professor, Smith School of Business & Institute for

Systems Research, University of Maryland, College Park, MD,

20742, United States of America,


Mustafa Sahin, Sibel Salman

The Capacitated Mobile Facility Location Problem (CMFLP) is a combinatorial

optimization problem with applications in supply chain operations and

distribution of medical services. We propose two Mixed Integer Programming

formulations for the CMFLP and discuss a branch-and-price algorithm for a set

partitioning formulation, where the linear programming relaxation is solved with

a column generation procedure. We demonstrate the quality of the algorithm on

instances adapted from the literature.

4 - Store Fulfillment for Online Orders: A Planning Model in a

Collaborative Store Environment

Ming Ni, SUNY Buffalo, 326 Bell Hall, University at Buffalo,

Amherst, NY, 14260, United States of America,

, Arun Hampapur, Qing He, Xuan Liu

This study on online order fulfillment aims to identify the seasonal planning

dimensions from local retailing outlets perspective. It develops optimization

models and heuristic algorithms which solve order assignment and fleet sizing

problems to construct the supply chain plan. The numerical examples are derived

from same day delivery from a real-world retailer store network.


70-Room 202A, CC

Joint Session RAS/TSL/AAS: Real-Time Decision

Support Practice

Sponsor: Railway Applications

Sponsored Session

Chair: Ravindra Ahuja, President, Optym, 7600 NW 5th Place,

Gainesville, FL, 32607, United States of America,

1 - Simulation-guided Optimization Algorithms for Real-time

Train Scheduling

Pedram Sahba, Senior Systems Engineer, Optym, 7600 NW 5th

Place, Gainesville, FL, 32607, United States of America,,

Ravindra Ahuja, Abbas Bozorgirad

In this presentation, we will describe several algorithms for real-time train

scheduling (also known as meet-pass planning) using simulation, mixed integer

programming and network optimization techniques including their

computational results. These algorithms are in production at a railroad in

Australia and we will give a demonstration of the system using these algorithms.

We will also share our lessons about how these algorithms evolved, what worked,

and what did not work.
