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INFORMS Philadelphia – 2015



69-Room 201C, CC

ITS in Public Transportation

Sponsor: TSL/Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)

Sponsored Session

Co-Chair: Alireza Khani, Assistant Professor, University of Minnesota,

United States of America,

1 - Vehicle-Sharing Network Design and its Integration with Public

Transportation Services

Tianli Zhou, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge,

MA, United States of America,


Virot Chiraphadhanakul, Cynthia Barnhart, Carolina Osorio

We consider the design of a one-way vehicle sharing (VS) system, such that it is

complementary with an existing public transportation system. We propose a two-

stage MIP formulation to address a VS network design problem. We consider a

large-scale case study of the metropolitan area of Boston. To solve the model, we

decompose it and develop a cut generation method. We present numerical results

for the Boston case study.

2 - A Location and Scheduling Model for a Flexible Intercity

Transit Service

Andisheh Ranjbari, University of Arizona, Tuscon, AZ, United

States of America,,

Mark Hickman,

Yi-Chang Chiu

”Flexpress” is a high-speed intercity bus transit service that has several terminal

locations in the urban area and a dynamic schedule. Travelers have the choice to

board/alight the vehicle at one of the designated terminals, or pay a premium cost

and ask for a door-to-door service. This presentation focuses on the mathematical

model for the terminal location and scheduling problems.

3 - Transit Passenger Flow Prediction under Event Occurrences with

Social Media Data

Ming Ni, SUNY Buffalo, 326 Bell Hall, University at Buffalo,

Amherst, NY, 14260, United States of America,

, Jing Gao, Qing He

Frist, we propose a hashtag-based method to identify events near NYC subway

stations based on tweets data. Second, the relationship between social activities

and subway passenger flow is unveiled. Third, a convex optimization based model

is developed to predict subway volume with social media data.

4 - Reliable Routing in Schedule-based Transit Networks with

Stochastic Travel Times

Alireza Khani, Assistant Professor, University of Minnesota,

United States of America,

, Stephen Boyles

In schedule-based transit networks where service is time-dependent and

stochastic, risk-averse users try to minimize the expected travel time as well as to

maximize the chance of arriving on-time. The latter objective is modeled by

transfer failure probability and path algorithms are developed to find the most

reliable paths.


70-Room 202A, CC

Vehicle Routing I

Contributed Session

Chair: Sadegh Mirshekarian, PhD Student, Ohio University,

285 Stocker Center, Athens, OH, 45701, United States of America,

1 - Branch-and-cut Algorithms for the Time Constrained Covering

Salesman Problem

Gizem Ozbaygin, PhD Candidate, Bilkent University, Department

of Industrial Engineering, Ankara, Turkey,,

Hande Yaman, Oya E. Karasan

In this study, we consider the time constrained maximal covering salesman

problem which is a generalization of the orienteering problem. We propose a

mathematical formulation, valid inequalities and branch-and-cut algorithms for

the problem. We test our approaches on several instances we generated based on

some existing VRP instances and report the results of our computational study.

2 - A Fuzzy Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows under

Driving and Working Time Restrictions

Can Celikbilek, Ohio University, Industrial & Systems

Engineering, Athens, OH, United States of America,

, Gursel Suer

A new Fuzzy mathematical model is developed to maximize the total profit of the

system while minimizing the total traveled distance. The developed mathematical

model is tested considering real driving, service and working time restrictions. A

single depot and multiple customers with their working time windows are

considered with identical set of vehicles. The developed fuzzy mixed integer

mathematical model provided promising solutions to provide insights to real

industry problem.

3 - Time Dependent Vehicle Routing Problem Solving Based on

Speed Profiles and Speed Drop Coefficients

Martina Ravlic, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences,

University of Zagreb, Vukeliceva 4, Zagreb, Croatia,

, Tomislav Erdelic, Tonci Caric

The vehicle routing problem in real cases can be solved by applying a TDVRP

algorithm. We compared two existing methods for determining the minimum

travel time in TDVRP algorithm: the first method uses speed profiles of traversed

links, while the other uses speed drop coefficients on a wider road network area.

We analyzed the relationship between the execution times, depending on the size

of the problem, and the computed minimum travel times with measured times.

4 - A Vehicle Routing Problem with Budget and Time Constraints

Elham Kookhahi, Wichita State University, 1845 Fairmount

Street, Wichita, KS, 67260, United States of America,,

Bayram Yildirim

In this paper, a mathematical model is presented for a vehicle routing problem in

which a sub tour of cities can be visited to maximize the number of served

customers with a limited budget and time. The problem is solved using a genetic

algorithm and numerical results are presented.

5 - A Generalized Single-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem with Time

Windows and Non-Identical Vehicles

Sadegh Mirshekarian, PhD Student, Ohio University, 285 Stocker

Center, Athens, OH, 45701, United States of America,,

Gursel Suer, Can Celikbilek

A generalized variant of VRP with time windows is studied, considering vehicles

different in capacity, cost and speed. Vehicles can be used for more than one

route, but are subject to driving and working time constraints. A new genetic

algorithm with specialized crossover and mutation operators is developed and

used to solve the problem, and results are compared with a math model and with

state-of-the-art. The developed GA performed well in terms of solution quality

and convergence speed.


71-Room 202B, CC

Transportation Operations I

Contributed Session

Chair: Yi Liao, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,

Liutai Ave 555, School of Business Administration, Chengdu, China,

1 - Conflict Prevention and Detection for Autonomous and

Connected Vehicles

Xin Chen, Assistant Professor, Southern Illinois University,

P.O. Box 1805, Edwardsville, IL, 62034, United States of America,,

Shimon Y. Nof

An autonomous vehicle is capable of sensing its environment and navigating

without human input. Conflicts between vehicles and between vehicles and

transportation infrastructure are unavoidable. In this research, the authors

develop a common language structure to represent domain knowledge in

autonomous vehicles and apply algorithms and protocols to detect and prevent


2 - Effective Vehicle Identification and Authentication Mechanism

for Intelligent Transportation System

Joonsang Baek, Khalifa University, Al Saada St. and Muroor Rd.,

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates,


Young-ji Byon

Inspired by Internet of Things (IoT), it is possible to develop an identification

mechanism for ITS, which is based on the unique vehicle identification number

(VIN). Such identification mechanism would provide a certain level of privacy,

which will assist traffic monitoring without compromising drivers’ identities by

utilizing a strong authentication mechanism based on message authentication

