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INFORMS Philadelphia – 2015



71-Room 202B, CC

Transportation Operations II

Contributed Session

Chair: Ioannis Akrotirianakis, Siemens Corporate Technology,

750 College Road, Princeton, NJ, United States of America,

1 - Optimization of Area Traffic Control: A Binary Mixed Integer Linear

Programming Approach

Zhao Zhang, Researcher Assistant, Tsinghua University,

Room 615, Shude Bbuilding, Beijing, 100084, China,

This paper proposes a model aims at optimizing area traffic control. We use

network total delay as the objective in the model. In this research, cell

transmission model is used to discretize research time into many intervals and

signal coordination, lane settings, phase, start of green and green split can be

optimized simultaneously. The model is linear in nature and can be solved by

standard branch and bound algorithm.

2 - A Finite Sampling Approach for MPEC

Wenjing Song, Pennsylvania State University, 628B Oakwood

Ave, State College, PA, 16803, United States of America,

, Terry Friesz, Hongcheng Liu, Tao Yao

We study mathematical program with equilibrium constraints (MPEC) from

equilibrium network design problems. We consider the scenario where the

equilibrium constraint has a non-closed-form operator, and propose a finite

sampling approximation with a tunable error bound. Under some regularity

conditions, the approach allows MPEC to be solvable by gradient-based local

schemes to an approximate KKT solution with bounded infeasibility. The

approach is applied to a congestion toll pricing problem.

3 - Travel Time Transmission Model for Network Loading at Merging,

Diverging Segments, and Intersections

Peter J. Jin, Assistant Professor, Rutgers, The State University of

New Jersey, CoRE 613, 96 Frelinghuysen Rd, Piscataway, NJ,

08854, United States of America,


Stephen Boyles, Wangsu Hu

The research presents an enhanced travel time transmission model(TTM) based

dynamic network loading (DNL) model for freeway merging, diverging segment

and signalized intersections. The study further evaluates the capability of TTM in

formulating node delay. A network adapted from field flow, signal and network

data of the US-1 at Far West Interchange in Austin TX is used. The modeling

results are compared with the output of a CTM(Cell Transmission Model) based

DNL model.

4 - Vehicle (Lagrangian)-space Freeway Traffic State Estimation:

A Lagrangian Kalman Filter Approach

Han Yang, PhD, Tongji University, Cao’an Road 4800, Shanghai,


, Peter J. Jin

Lagrangian coordinates has shown the potential numerical benefits in modeling

mobile sensor data. A new Kalman filter based Lagrangian-space traffic state

estimation model is proposed based on the Travel Time Transmission Model

(TTM). The model is calibrated and evaluated by using a simulation model

calibrated with field data on IH-894 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and compared with

a CTM-based Kalman filter estimator on space-time coordinates under different

sampling rates of probe vehicles.

5 - Vehicle Routing for the Radiopharmaceutical Industry

Ioannis Akrotirianakis, Siemens Corporate Technology,

750 College Road, Princeton, NJ, United States of America,

, Amit Chakraborty

We develop a model for the distribution of radiopharmaceuticals. Our aim is to

serve many medical imaging centers within a pre-specified time interval at

minimum transportation cost. The model ensures all orders arrive at the centers

before the patients enter the PET scanners. It also takes into consideration the

availability and capacity of the transportation vehicles. The efficiency of the

model is supported by computational results demonstrating substantial savings in

transportation costs.


73-Room 203B, CC

Data Analytics for Reliability Evaluation and

Maintenance Optimization II

Sponsor: Quality, Statistics and Reliability

Sponsored Session

Chair: Eunshin Byon, Assistant Professor, University of Michigan,

1205 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, United States of America,

Co-Chair: Qingyu Yang, Assistant Professor, Wayne State University,

4815 4th street, Room 2167, Detroit, MI, 48202,

United States of America,

1 - Reliability Approximation for k-out-of-n Pairs:

G Balanced Systems

Elsayed Elsayed, Rutgers University, 96 Frelinghuysen Road,

CoRE Building,Room 201, Piscataway, NJ, 08854, United States

of America,

, Dingguo Hua

Many applications can be modeled as k-out-of-n pairs: G Balanced systems. When

there are a large number of units in such systems, it is very tedious and

impossible to enumerate the complete set of successful events to obtain the exact

function of its reliability. We provide an approach to obtain approximation for the

reliability of such systems. We validate the approximation by comparing its results

with systems with a small number of units and through the simulation of larger


2 - A Wiener Process Model for Heterogeneous Degradations

Based on Kriging

Nan Chen, National University of Singapore,,

Eunshin Byon

Wiener process plays a crucial role in degradation modeling and condition based

maintenance for critical assets. This paper proposes a Wiener process model based

on Kriging to provide a flexible way to account for heterogeneous degradation

patterns commonly observed due to observable or unobservable factors. It

includes conventional random effects model and covariate model as special cases,

and offers efficient computation. Numerical studies have been conducted to

demonstrate the performance.

3 - Condition-based Joint Maintenance Optimization for a

Large-scale Homogeneous Population

Young Myoung Ko, Assistant Professor, Pohang University of

Science and Technology, 77, Cheongam-ro, Nam-Gu,

Pohang, Gyeongbuk, 790-784, Korea, Republic of,

, Eunshin Byon

We develop a cost-effective maintenance strategy for systems consisting of

homogeneous units. When a large number of units operate in a system,

translating the stochastic degradation processes of individual units into system-

level information remains a significant challenge. We use the asymptotic

distribution for characterizing the system-level condition and analytically derive

the threshold values that trigger maintenance operations. The results are verified

through numerical experiments.

4 - Uncertainty Analysis for Importance Sampling Estimators with

Stochastic Simulations

Youngjun Choe, PhD Candidate, University of Michigan, 1205

Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, United States of America,

, Eunshin Byon

Stochastic simulations are widely used to model real-world stochastic systems and

to evaluate the system reliability. Yet, the reliability evaluation can take significant

computational resources as the simulator becomes more realistic. To speed up the

computer experiments, our prior study proposed new importance sampling

estimators. This study establishes the central limit theorems for the estimators and

constructs asymptotically valid confidence intervals.
