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INFORMS Philadelphia – 2015


2 - Data Science Approach for Dealership Performance Analysis

Haidar Almohri, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, 48243,

United States of America,

, Mark Colosimo,

Ratna Babu Chinnam

Due to the dynamics and complexity of the automotive market, managing

automotive dealership performance has always been a challenge for business

owners. We present a novel, data science approach for managing, assessing, and

enhancing dealership performance using data from dealerships across the United

States by first clustering the dealers. Results suggest that this new approach

surpasses the traditional approach employed by the industry.

3 - Overview of Supply Chain Risk Management and the Current

Issues of Closed-loop Supply Chain in China

Qiang Qiang, Pennsylvania State University, 30 E. Swedesford

Rd., Malvern, PA, 19335, United States of America,

The path toward sustainability to demonstrate environmental and social

responsibility has led to an increasing attention to the lifecycle of a product with a

focus on value-added recovery activities. However, besides the risks encountered

in traditional supply chains (or, sometimes referred to as the forward supply

chain), the CLSC bears additional layer of risks if the products are not properly

recycled. In this talk, we will provide an overview of both supply chain and CLSC

risks in China.

4 - Supply Chain Risk

James Ang, Research Advisor, The Logistics Institute Asia Pacific,

National University of Singapore, #04-01 21 Heng Mui Keng

Terrace, Singapore, 119613, Singapore,

Supply chain risk analysis involves risk identification assessment. For the former,

the failure mode effect analysis is improved using fuzzy theory and grey system

theory. For the latter, simulation models of supply chains are built to

quantitatively assess impacts of risks in terms of production rate, inventory level,

and lead-time.


05-Room 305, Marriott

The Social Impacts of Social Media Analysis

Cluster: Social Media Analytics

Invited Session

Chair: Les Servi, The MITRE Corporation, 202 Burlington Road,

Bedford, MA, United States of America,

1 - Modeling Human Behavior in the Context of Social Media During

Extreme Events

Yulia Tyshchuk, Researcher, USMA, 5 Winding Brook Dr.

Apt. 2J, Guilderland, NY, 12084, United States of America,

This research examines how social science theory, Theory of Planned Behavior,

can explain human behavior in response to extreme events on social media.

Validation of this theory enables emergency response officials to create strategies

that facilitate public response to extreme events such as diffusion of critical

actionable information, providing confirmations, and taking the prescribed action.

Effective public response can save lives and reduce property damage.

2 - Social Media Whispers during IPO Quiet Period

Julie Zhang, Assistant Professor, University of Massachusetts

Lowell, One University Ave., Lowell, MA, 01854,

United States of America,

We investigate social media news for companies during their quiet periods for

IPO. In this study, we examine whether the stock price of a company on its IPO

day is associated with the volume and valence of its social media coverage during

quiet period. We demonstrate the relationship between a company’s stock price

PARK volatility in the first week of IPO and its social media coverage in the first

week and quiet period.

3 - Simulating Twitter Ego Networks

Inbal Yahav, Bar Ilan University, Bar Ilan University,

Ramat Gan, 5290002, Israel,,

Yoav Achiam

The network on the 2-level (followers, and their followers) Twitter social ego-

network is studied. A simulation based on A. Barabasi’s model is generated. The

collected data contains the followers’ names and a count of their followers. We

found that followers’ distribution follows a combination of power law and

exponential distributions. The distribution of followers per companies (having

more than 1000 followers) is steady over time, with a constant rate of new

followers and departing followers


06-Room 306, Marriott

Portfolio Analysis I

Contributed Session

Chair: Umit Saglam, Assistant Professor, East Tennessee State

University, Department of Management and Marketing,

College of Business and Technology, Johnson City, TN, 37614,

United States of America,

1 - Understanding Behaviors of Robust Portfolios

Woo Chang Kim, Associate Professor, KAIST, 291 Daehak-Ro,

Yuseong-Gu, Daejeon, Korea, Republic of,

Robust portfolio optimization has been developed to resolve the high sensitivity

to inputs of the Markowitz mean–variance model. Although much effort has been

put into forming robust portfolios, there have not been many attempts to analyze

the characteristics of portfolios formed from robust optimization. In this

presentation, we discuss the recent findings on the qualitative characteristics of

the robust portfolios such as higher moment controllability, factor tilting

behaviors, and robustness.

2 - Computing Near-optimal Value-at-risk Portfolios using Integer

Programming Techniques

Onur Babat, PhD Student, Lehigh University, 217 W. Packer Ave,

Bethlehem, PA, 18015, United States of America,

, Juan Vera, Luis Zuluaga

VaR is a non-convex risk measure. It is well-known that the VaR portfolio

problem can be formulated as an integer program (IP), which can be difficult to

solve with current IP solvers for large-scale instances of the problem. To tackle

this drawback, we present an algorithm to compute near-optimal VaR portfolios

that takes advantage this IP formulation and provides a guarantee of the near-

optimality of the solution. Numerical results will be presented.

3 - Portfolio Optimization with Probabilistic Ratio Constraints

Ran Ji, PhD Candidate, The George Washington University,

2201 G St, NW, Funger 415H, Washington, DC, 20052, United

States of America,

, Miguel Lejeune

We propose a class of stochastic portfolio optimization models with probabilistic

ratio constraints. The proposed probabilistic reward-risk ratio measures regard the

asset returns/losses as random variables to mitigate the estimation risk due to

mean return vectors. Each model includes a chance constraint with random

technology matrix. We expand a combinatorial modeling framework to represent

the feasible set of the chance constraint as a set of mixed-integer linear


4 - A Marginal Conditional Stochastic Dominance Based Model of

Enhanced Index Tracking

Qian Li, Professor, Xi’an Jiaotong University, No.74 West Yanta

Road, Xi’an, China,,

Liang Bao

Stochastic dominance and mean-variance are two criteria used in optimal

portfolio selection. In this paper, we present an enhanced model for index

tracking with Marginal Conditional Stochastic Dominance (MCSD) rules. The

model is still in the optimization framework but combined with two levels of

MCSD criteria. By adopting an immunity based multiple objective optimization

algorithm, the solutions for the model are developed. The model is then applied

to 8 major markets.

5 - Revealed Preferences for Portfolio Selection –

Does Skewness Matter?

Umit Saglam, Assistant Professor, East Tennessee State University,

Department of Management and Marketing, College of Business

and Technology, Johnson City, TN, 37614,

United States of America,

, Merrill Liechty

In this study, we consider two competing descriptions of portfolio selection, the

traditional mean variance efficient portfolio versus a generalization allowing for

decision makers to consider skewness in their asset allocation. Our numerical

experiments are conducted on portfolio drawn from 30 different stocks from the

Dow Jones. Numerical results show that investors’ preferences are better

explained when skewness is taken into account.
