INFORMS Philadelphia – 2015
10-Room 310, Marriott
Marketing in E-Business/Commerce
Contributed Session
Chair: Pei-hua Chen, National Chiao Tung University, 1001 University
Rd, 16C, HsinChu, 300, Taiwan - ROC,
peihuamail@gmail.com1 - Investigation of How Social Relationships Contribute to
M-commerce Continuance Intentions
Chao Wen, Eastern Illinois University, 600 Lincoln Avenue,
Charleston, IL, 61920, United States of America,
cwen@eiu.eduThe purpose of this study is to provide a better understanding of how social
relationships influence mobile commerce continuance intentions. An integrated
research model was developed based on the theory and literature review. A
questionnaire was designed and distributed through Amazon Mechanical Turk for
data collection. Survey data from 298 m-commerce customers allowed testing the
research hypotheses, and structural equation modeling allowed validation of the
research framework.
2 - Temporally Pricing Low or Spotlighting Your App?: An Empirical
Study on Amazon Free App of The Day
Kevin Lachaud, Duquesne University, Palumbo-Donahue School
of Business, 600 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, 15282,
United States of America,, Wenqi Zhou
This research examines the effect of visibility and pricing, and their interaction
effect, on apps’ market performance. In particular, we empirically study Amazon’s
Free App of the Day, which puts a single app daily in the spotlight at a zero price.
We test how high visibility and temporally free pricing resulted from this
promotion strategy affect online user-generated conversations and sales rank on
Amazon, which in turn affects apps’ sales and revenues on the Android app
3 - The Impact of User-generated Vs Firm-generated Content on
Purchase Intention of High/Low Involv. Product
Huma Amir, Chairperson Marketing Dept.; Assistant Professor,
Institute of Business Administration, 218 Fauji Foundation,
University Enclave, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi, 75400, Pakistan, of user-generated content (UGC) and firm-generated content of Facebook
official brand pages on attitudes towards the brands and consumer purchase
intentions are examined for low-involvement (LI) and high-involvement
products (HI). Findings show positive correlation between attitudes towards HI
for both UGC and FGC. FGC showed higher correlation with attitude towards a
brand as compared to UGC, and positive impact on attitudes towards HI. LI do not
exhibit any significant correlations.
4 - The Effects of Service Convenience, Trust and Perceived Risks on
Third-party Payment Usage Intention
Pei-Hua Chen, National Chiao Tung University, 1001 University
Rd, 16C, HsinChu, 300, Taiwan - ROC,,Chia-Yi Chen
This study investigated the relationships of service convenience, trust and
perceived risks to consumers’ intention to use third-party payment in Taiwan.
A web-based questionnaire was created and sent to 300 participants with online
shopping experiences. The results showed that service convenience, perceived
risk and trust all have positive effects on usage intention for third-party payment.
11-Franklin 1, Marriott
Optimization Integer Programming IV
Contributed Session
Chair: Ayse Bayrak, TUBITAK, Tunus Caddesi No:80, Ankara, Turkey,
aysebayrak.tubitak@gmail.com1 - Integrated Batching and Lot Streaming with Variable Sublots and
Sequence-dependent Setup
Shasha Wang, Clemson University, Freeman Hall, Clemson, SC,
29634, United States of America,,
Scott Mason, Cole Smith
Customers order multiple products belonging to some job family that can be
batched together for manufacturing. Each product can be split into several sublots
so that overlapping production is possible in a two-stage hybrid flow shop. We
model this practically-motivated integrated batching and lot streaming problem
with variable sublots and incompatible job families in the presence of sequence-
dependent setup times to minimize total weighted completion time and present
promising results.
2 - An Integer Programming Approach for Patrol Police Assignment
in the Philippines
Rhoda Namoco, Mindanao University of Science and Technology,
Lapasan, Cagayan De Oro City, 9000, Philippines,,Eleajen Lago
In this study, an integer programming model is developed to solve the Police
Assignment Problem (PAM) which consists of assigning policemen to beat areas to
ensure optimum police visibility in the central business district (CBD) of Cagayan
de Oro City, Philippines. Results of the study show that the proposed model
provides better police visibility than the current police assignment around the
CBD of the city.
3 - Branching Rule in the Branch and Bound Algorithm:
An Approach Based in Polyhedral Information
Ivan Derpich, Doctor, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Ave.
Ecuador 3769 Santiago, Santiago, Chile,
ivan.derpich@usach.clThis work presents a new variable branching rule for the B&B algorithm, the
hybrid rule. It is based in a combination of the flatness rule and the pseudocosts
rule. The result of this work showed that the number of nodes generated using
the hybrid rule yielded to these test problems, a 80% less node than the produced
when using the pseudocost rule.
4 - Valid Inequalities for Economic Lot-sizing Problems with
Remanufacturing: Joint Setups Case
Sharifah Aishah Syed Ali, PhD Researcher, Dept. of Management
Science, University of Strathclyde, Graham Hills Building, RM
858, 40 George Street, Glasgow, G1 1QE, United Kingdom,, Kerem Akartunali,
Mahdi Doostmohammadi, Robert Van Der Meer
In this talk, we study the polyhedral structure of a mixed integer set arising from
the feasible set of economic lot-sizing problems with remanufacturing and joint
setups. First, we present the basic properties and some general results about trivial
facet-defining inequalities. Then, we derive new families of valid inequalities and
identify cases where they define facets. Finally, some preliminary computational
results are presented to test the effectiveness of these inequalities.
5 - Pharmaceutical Industry Waste Management
Ayse Bayrak, TUBITAK, Tunus Caddesi No:80, Ankara, Turkey,,Bahar Ozyoruk
The measures taken for Environmental Pollution has made significant efforts in
waste management. in this study, in Turkey, the waste of pharmaceutical industry
will be discussed. Pharmaceutical waste will appear, the pharmaceutical industry
waste management will be modeled. In this context, a mathematical model will
be developed for recycling and disposal of waste and solutions related methods
will be investigated.
13-Franklin 3, Marriott
Robust/Stochastic Optimization
Sponsor: Optimization/Optimization Under Uncertainty
Sponsored Session
Chair: Tahir Ekin, Assistant Professor, Texas State University, 601
University Dr. McCoy Hall 411, San Marcos, TX, 78666, United States
of America,
t_e18@txstate.edu1 - Simulation Based Approaches for Stochastic Optimization with
Endogenous Uncertainty
Tahir Ekin, Assistant Professor, Texas State University,
601 University Dr. McCoy Hall 411, San Marcos, TX, 78666,
United States of America,, Nicholas Polson,
Refik Soyer
We present two simulation based approaches to solve stochastic programs with
decision dependent (endogenous) uncertainty. We develop an augmented
probability model where the decision variable is treated as random and sampling
from the marginal decision variable results with the optimal decision. Markov
chain Monte Carlo simulation and nested sampling algorithms are utilized. We
illustrate the methodology on a two stage news-vendor problem with stock-
dependent uncertain demand.