L aw F i rm Ce l eb r a t es 5 0 Years and Qua l i ty M a r k
Left to right: Sean Conlon.
Chief Executive
Officer of the Irish Quality
presenting the Q Mark to Brian MacMahon, Arthur E.
The firm of
Arthur E MacMahon
Naas recently staged a double
celebration to mark the firm's 50 years
in practice and the achievement of the
Quality Mark. The firm is the first prac-
tice in Leinster to obtain the Q Mark.
The firm was founded 50 years ago by
Arthur MacMahon and grew steadily
over a period of 36 years until his
retirement in 1980. During this time
the practice developed an extensive
business in the areas of personal
injury court work, property, wills and
administration of estates.
Arthur MacMahon's son,
assumed the helm of the
practice at Naas in the early 1980s and
during the next fourteen years the
practice continued to widen its client
base. The firm now employs nineteen
Recently, Brian MacMahon
established IDR Ireland, the country's
first private commercial mediation
firm, to provide people with a choice
of mediating or litigating disputes.
Following post-graduate studies for a
Masters Degree in management
practice from Trinity College in 1990
and recognising the changes taking
place in legal practice in Ireland and
in clients' requirements, Brian
MacMahon decided to focus on the
concept of quality as a means of
providing for his clients' needs. An
eighteen month programme, involving
the firm's entire staff in planning and
evaluating the quality of its services,
practices and procedures, resulted in
the firm being awarded the Quality
Mark in April 1994.
Brian MacMahon says "the firm owes
its gratitude to all its clients and friends
and their families for their loyalty and
support throughout the last 50 years.
With clients' satisfaction now
established as the
raison d'etre
every one of the firm's activities, we
look forward to meeting the needs of
our clients for legal services for at least
another 50 years."
If you are a solicitor looking for a job
you should place your CV on the Law
Society's employment register.
If you wish to recruit a solicitor, on a
full-time, part-time or locum basis
why not use the register?
The service is free.
John Houlihan
at the Law
School, (01) 671 0200, ext. 530.
P r a i s e f o r t h e L e g a l
P r o f e s s i on
Following a case in which the
Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady
won a judgment for over £290,000 in
back payments from the VHI, the
Regional Superior of the Order, Sister
Gregory O 'Reilly,
was interviewed on
Morning Ireland on 29 July. In the
course of the interview she said that the
legal team on the case "have served us
extremely well. Our solicitor carried
this case for three years without asking
for money (because) she knew we
didn't have it. Our legal team . . . went
into a Supreme Court case, not having
been fully paid for the previous case
and they served us extremely well. . . I
want to personally and publicly thank
them for the wonderful help that they
have been."
A p p r e n t i c e s
C e l e b r a t e i n G a l w a y
The Great Southern Hotel, Eyre
Square, proved to be an excellent
venue for the recent SADSI Mid-
summer's Ball which took place on 23
July last. Over two hundred and fifty
apprentices from around the country
gathered in Galway for the event, many
arriving on the Friday evening.
The Ball commenced with a sherry
reception and the meal was followed
by both band and disco. There were
gifts of perfume and chocolates for all
and the bumper raffle raised four
hundred pounds which was donated to
the Rwanda appeal.
We were honoured to have as our
guests the President of the Law Society
Michael O'Mahony
and his wife,
Many thanks to the Committee for their
hard work, the staff of the Great
Southern Hotel, our sponsors and, of
course, all apprentices and non-
apprentices who made the evening a
great success.
Philippa Howley