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V i c e - P r e s i d e n t

O b t a i n s H o n s L L .B

D e g r e e



Junior Vice-President of the Law


Pat O'Connor,

was recently

conferred with an honours LL.B. degree

from University College Galway. He

obtained his first law degree from

University College Dublin in 1973 and

was admitted to the Roll of Solicitors in

1974. For the past two years he has been

attending the Faculty of Law in

University College Galway where he

undertook further studies particularly in

European law, competition law and

company and commercial law.

Pat O'Connor is a notary public and

coroner for Mayo East. He has been a

member of the Law Society Council

since 1978 and has served on a wide

range of Law Society committees

including terms as chairman of the

Education, Registrar's, Professional

Purposes, Annual Conference and

Parliamentary committees.

Last year his firm, P O'Connor & Son,

was the second firm of solicitors in

Ireland to obtain the Quality Mark and

the first firm in the West of Ireland to

do so.

I n t h e H e a t o f t h e

M o m e n t . . .

Every letter or telephone call of

complaint to the Law Society is

treated with the utmost seriousness by

the staff in complaints section of the

Society's Professional Practice

department. Nonetheless, in some

cases, in the heat of the moment,

complainants and solicitors use

the odd phrase which can cause

a smile.

"My solicitor didn 't turn up to

represent me and all I got was a lot of

excuses about him having had a heart

attack. "

'' Defo rmat ion of character"

"I don't believe making complaints

unless they're really


"I'm ringing on behalf of my mother,

I'm her daughter"

"Despite being unaware of the

planning difficulties X never

communicated the information to me. "

"Four of us own one third each. "

"Unfortunately X

(another solicitor in

the firm)

had a heart attack. . . and

has survived"

(a solicitor's letter).

"I have six children, two living in

Ireland and five abroad. "

"X gave physio treatment to a man

who consequently died. "

"I want to complain about my wife \v

solicitor who sent me a letter about

a judicial separation, but my wife

and I have a marvellous

relationship. "

"In relation to this particular

complaint we are happy to report that

we have eventually received a

response from the vendor's


which is totally unhelpful"


solicitor's letter).

C l a r k e C o n t i n u e s t o

O p p o s e " C a p p i n g "

Frank Clarke SC

Following his election as Chairman of

the Bar Council for a second year,


Clarke SC

said that he would continue to

oppose vigorously the proposed capping

of personal injury awards.

Frank Clarke was first elected as

Chairman of the Bar Council in July

1993 having previously held positions

as Treasurer and Vice-Chairman of the

Bar Council. He was called to the Bar in

1973 and took silk in 1985.

Following his election he stated "I am

honoured to have been elected for a

second term as Chairman of the Bar

Council and will continue to press for

improvements in the operation of the

courts and of the criminal and civil legal

aid system". He added: "With my

colleagues in the Bar Council I will also

continue to oppose vigorously the

proposed capping of personal injury

awards which in my view would be

against the public interest. However, we

are conscious of the need to reduce

costs in such cases and we have made a

number of proposals to the Government

with a view to containing them."

James Nugent SC

was elected Vice-

Chairman of the Bar Council.


Solicitor wishes to acquire

general practice either by

outright purchase or terms.

Location not of prime importance.

All replies acknowledged

and confidentiality assured.

Replies to: Box No 80

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( 2 4 H o u r H e l p L i n e )