TPi October 2012 - page 31

October 2012 Tube Products International
business & market news
ITS donates
Corporation (ITS) donated steel
tubing to the University of Akron
engineering students at the
2012 American Institute of Steel
Construction/American Society of
Civil Engineers National Student
Steel Bridge Competition. The
UA team ranked fifth overall in the
national competition and first in
the Ohio Valley Conference.
“We’re proud to continue our
support of the University of
Akron at this year’s competition,”
said Dick Siess, president of
Industrial Tube & Steel. “It’s a
great opportunity for the students
that enables them to think outside
of the classroom. We’re pleased
to help again in granting them
this opportunity and would like to
congratulate them all.”
Industrial Tube & Steel donated all
of the steel used by the UA’s team
at this year’s competition and
previous qualifying conference
competitions. ITS has sponsored
the UA team in the last six
competition years by donating a
variety of tubing sizes, and has
donated a total of $18,000 of
steel to the University of Akron.
Industrial Tube & Steel
Norma acquires Italian clamp manufacturer
Engineered joining technology company
Norma Group AG has acquired Nordic
Metalblok Srl, with effect from 12 July
2012. The parties agreed to maintain
confidentiality on the transaction details.
Based in Riese Pio X near Treviso in
northern Italy, Nordic Metalblok has
been active in the market for over 40
years. The company manufactures
clamps for various applications,
particularly for the heating, ventilation
and air conditioning industry and the
agricultural and construction sectors. In
addition, the company produces metal
bands and related tools.
Nordic Metalblok distributes its
products to retailers and wholesalers
as well as to manufacturing companies
globally. The company generated
overall sales of around €6mn in fiscal
year 2011. It will be consolidated as part
of Norma Group with immediate effect.
Norma Group has already been present
in Italy since 2006, and operates a
distribution centre in Gavardo. Norma
Group manufactures a wide range
of engineered joining technology
solutions in three product categories
(clamp, connect and fluid), and offers
around 35,000 products and solutions
to approximately 10,000 customers in
90 countries. The company’s joining
products can be found in vehicles,
ships, trains and aircraft.
Norma Group AG
– Germany
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