Trade notifications and ≤ 2 hours lead-time implemented by 1 October 2016
a) Croatia, Portugal, Romania, Sweden and Slovakia indicated some limitations for trade notifications.
In Italy and France the two allocation rules apply in cases of mismatches. (See also Annex III, table 3.1 and table 3.3).
b) In Greece network users are currently able to transfer gas between two balancing portfolios by submitting nominations
at the Virtual Nominations Point (VNP) of the Greek NGTS.
Trade notifications planned to be implemented after October 2016
*Estonia holds derogation.
≤ 30 min.
≤ 2 hours
BG, DK, EE*, HR,
Map 3:
Implementation of trade notifications with up to 2 hours lead-time by 1 October 2016*
Some limitations for trade notifications were
indicated by five of the 24 countries above (HR,
PT, RO, SE and SK) mentioned. Portugal and
Sweden indicated that trade notifications from
network users are still dependent on their
respective nomination behavior as a “shipper”.
Croatia and Romania reported that the transpor-
tation contract is still the only legal basis that
enables NUs to submit trade notifications. A
separate contract is not offered. (See also
table 3.1 in Annex III ).
Regarding the lead-time Croatia has indicated
the plan to minimise the time for proceeding
trade notifications, but no date has yet been set.
In Slovenia it is also under consideration. Three
countries (PL, SE and SK) have indicated e. g. a
connection with the nomination procedures. In
Denmark no demand for a shorter lead-time has
been indicated by the market, but it will be con-
sidered as a future development. (Further de-
tails are provided in
Annex III, table 3.2 ).
13) In Greece currently the nominations submitted by the network users (including VNP) have to be balanced. According to DESFA’s proposal to the
NRA regarding the revision of the Greek network code (pending approval), the lesser rule will apply.
14) Notification is provided by seller, which is registered in NRA and trade notification has to be agreed with buyer.
When trade notification quantities are not equal,
the TSO shall allocate either the lower notifica-
tion quantities or reject both trade notifications.
22 countries (AT, BE/LU, BG, CZ, DE, DK, EE*,
HU, NL, PL, PT, SE, SK and UK-GB), (EL
, ES,
HR, IE, RO, SI and UK-NI) have stated to be
applying to apply one of those rules in cases of
Two countries (FR and IT) responded to use
both mechanism. Lithuania
stated that no de-
fault rule is applicable due to trade notification
provisions by the seller which must be agreed
upon with the buyer. (See
table 3.3 in Annex III ).
a) Croatia, Portugal, Romania,
Sweden and Slovakia indicated
some limitations for trade notifica-
tions. In Italy and France the two
allocation rules apply in cases of
mismatches. (See also
Annex III, table 3.1an
d table 3.3 ).
b) In Greece network users are
currently able to transfer gas be-
tween two balancing portfolios by
submitting nominations at the
Virtual Nominations Point (VNP) of
the Greek NGTS.
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ENTSOG BAL NC Monitoring Report 2016