3.4.5 Establishing a Forecasting Party
38) In the Polish TGPS balancing zone there is no need to provide any forecast due to non NDM offtakes in this balancing area. No DSOs are connected
to the balancing zone
The forecasting party is responsible for forecast-
ing a network user’s non-daily metered off-takes
and where appropriate its subsequent alloca-
tion. After prior consultation with TSOs and
DSOs concerned, BAL NC foresees designating
at least a forecasting party in a balancing zone.
This may be a TSO, a DSO or a third party.
Table 3 below illustrates that 18 countries (AT,
, PT, SI, UK-GB and UK-NI) reported desig-
nating a forecasting party. In 16 countries except
Hungary and Northern Ireland the forecasting
parties were operating by 1 October 2016. In
Northern Ireland its establishment is planned for
October 2017. In Romania and Croatia the des-
ignation is still in progress while five countries in-
cluding Estonia (BG, EL, SE and SK) the desig-
nation of a forecasting party is far not currently
foreseen. In Sweden network users currently
have agreed that they will forecast themselves.
Greece and Slovakia reported that no NDM off
takes exist in their balancing zones.
In ten of the above 18 countries with a designat-
ed forecasting party (BE/LU, DK, FR, IT, PT, SI,
UK-GB and UK-NI) the TSO while in four other
countries (DE, HU, LT and PL) the DSO is fulfill-
ing the task. Four countries (AT, CZ, ES and NL)
designated the task to a Third party.
In Austria the Third Party is the Distribution Area
Manager (DAM). In Czech Republic the fore-
casting task is fulfilled by the Market operator
(OTE), which is an independent subject on the
market. In Spain ENAGAS in its role of the Tech-
nical Manager of the System must define the
demand forecast in collaboration with the DSO
and TSOs and their networks consumers. The
Netherlands reported that so-called EDSN
serves as the forecasting party.
Compared to the previous report three (ES, PL
and PT) of the four countries (ES, HR, PL and
PT) that were planning to establish a forecasting
party, finalised the process by implementing the
forecasting party by 1 October 2016. Poland
reported not designating a forecasting party for
the TGPS balancing zone due to not having any
connected NDM offtake points and nor DSOs
connected to the balancing zone. In three coun-
tries (HR, HU and RO) the designation process
is still ongoing.
Overview of designated and implemented forecasting party by 1 October 2016
Third party
Under discussion
No forecasting party
PT, SI, UK-GB, UK-NI (10)
DE, HU*, LT, PL (4)
AT, CZ, ES, NL (4)
HR*, RO* (2)
BG, EE, EL, SE, SK (5)
* Countries planning to establish a forecasting party.
Table 3:
Overview of designated and implemented forecasting party by 1 October 2016
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ENTSOG BAL NC Monitoring Report 2016