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In other two countries (HR 


and RO 


) the im-

plementation of neutrality provisions is under


According to BAL NC provisions, NRAs shall ap-

prove and publish the methodology for the cal-

culation of the neutrality charges for balancing

and TSOs shall publish the aggregate neutrality

charges for balancing at least monthly.

Compared to previous report where in three

countries (BG, HR and PT) no methodology for

the calculation of the neutrality charges was

published or was only planned to be published,

Bulgaria and Portugal reported the publication

of the methodology by 1 October 2016. Starting

from the same date, Portugal is also publishing

the monthly aggregated neutrality charges.

In Sweden, due to the fact that the amounts

gained or lost by undertaking balancing actions

are almost negligible, NRA decided not to imple-

ment the neutrality provisions, therefore no

methodology was published. Links to the publi-

cation of methodology and of monthly aggregat-

ed neutrality charges can be found in

Annex I, table 1.3 .

In all 25 countries (included Estonia) except in

Croatia and Romania, the principle of neutrality

50) HR: The methodology for the calculation of the neutrality charges will be published and implemented by 1 April 2017.

51) RO: The document was in a public consultation in the beginning of 2016, and was subsequently withdrawn by NRA. Subsequently, based on the

proposals and comments from the market NRA requested Transgaz to update the project, therefore it was submitted again to public consultation

52) Germany: As opposed to the former system the portfolio within-day charges are only applicable when the MAM is buying and selling gas in the first

rank of the merit order list on the same gas day. In such a case, the applicable charge is determined by the difference of the weighted average

buy and sell prices divided by two.

is observed when balancing actions are under-

taking and, also, the costs and revenues arising

from balancing activities are passed to network


The description of the rules for division of the

neutrality charge for balancing components and

the subsequent apportionment of the corre-

sponding sums amongst the network users

provided by the countries which decided to

implement them (art. 30.6) can be found in

Annex VI, table 6.3 .

Out of two countries (DE and PT) applying infor-

mation model “variant 2”, Germany reported

that the methodology for the calculation of the

neutrality charges for balancing provides rules

for a separate neutrality charge for balancing in

respect of non-daily metered off-takes and

offered a description. The description of the

rules can be found in

Annex VI, table 6.3 .

The methodology for the calculation of the

neutrality charges may provide rules for the

division of the neutrality charge for balancing

components and for the subsequent apportion-

ment of the corresponding sums amongst the

network users. Four countries (DE, ES, IE and

UK-NI) implemented these rules. Details can be

found in

Annex VI, table 6.3 .


In order to incentivise network users to manage

their within day position in view of ensuring the

of the transmission system and minimising TSOs

need to undertake balancing actions, BAL NC

allows TSOs to implement Within day obligations

(WDOs) which are a set of rules approved by the

NRAs regarding network users’ inputs and off-

takes within the gas day.

As stated in the previous report, five countries

(AT, BE, DE, LU and NL) have already imple-

mented WDOs prior to 1 October 2016, while

Estonia finally decided not to implement any

WDOs. Bulgaria reported the intention of intro-

ducing WDOs, therefore the rules have been

elaborated and are subject to NRA’s approval.

(See also Map 9)

Three countries (BE, LU and NL) applied a Sys-

tem Wide WDO whereas two countries (AT, DE)

applied a Portfolio Based WDO. Compared to

previous Report, no changes intervene in those


Compared to previous report, in Germany the

regime of within-day obligations has changed by

1 October 2016 



In all five countries, WDOs are applied in order

to incentivise network users to manage their

within day position and TSOs provided a

description of the relationship between WDO

and end of the day balancing systems that can

be found in

Annex VII, table 7.1 .

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ENTSOG BAL NC Monitoring Report 2016