4 Conclusion
1) And additional 5 years for the case of the interim measure of a balancing platform, pursuant to Article 47(3) of the NC
2) In Austria, BAL NC has been implemented. As Austria is a transit country it was necessary to consider some “specialties and needs”
of a transit network.
3) Including some exceptions for three countries (LU, DK and FR).
NC BAL (Code) has been applicable since 1 Oc-
tober 2015 but allows its application to be post-
poned until 1 October 2016. For those countries
which applied for a transitory period, the dead-
line for full implementation of the Code was
1 October 2016.
Instead of full implementation, interim measures
can be implemented for up to five years
the entry into force of the Code (i. e. until 16
April 2019) while all the other provisions in the
BAL NC shall be implemented by 1 October
Of 10 countries (AT, BE/LU, DE, DK, FR, HU,
NL, SI and UK-GB) applying the deadline by 1
October 2015, nine of them (AT
, BE/LU, DE,
DK, FR, NL, SI and UK-GB)
stated the imple-
mentation of BAL NC. One country (HU) report-
ed having most of the provisions in place by
1 October 2016.
Of the 11 countries including Estonia (BG, DE,
EL, IE, LT, PL, RO, SE, SK and UK-NI that ap-
plied for interim measures until April 2019, eight
of them (DE, IE, LT, PL, RO, SE, SK and UK-NI)
reported having the interim measures in place.
Two respondents (EE* and EL) partially imple-
mented the planned interim measures by 1 Oc-
tober 2016 while one country (BG) is planning to
implement the interim measures during 2017.
Three respondents (DE, IE, and UK-NI) stated
that, except interim measures, all other provi-
sions are in place while other eight countries
including Estonia (BG, EL, LT, PL, RO, SE and
SK) reported having partially implemented them
by 1 October 2016.
Out of five countries (CZ, ES, HR, IT and PT)
which applied for the transitory period option
until 1 October 2016, two countries (ES and IT)
have implemented BAL NC while in three coun-
tries (CZ, HR, PT) still had to perform further
implementation steps. For these five countries
annual reviews will be monitored with the next
monitoring report.
Balancing implementation is an ongoing pro-
cess – even following implementation. Due to
continuous changes in the market environment,
adjustments of the implementation might be
needed to better achieve the goal. It can be no-
ticed that steps forward from the planning to the
implementation phase have been made espe-
cially by countries applying interim measures
and the transitional period option to fulfil their
implementation obligations. Those countries
indicated that they had faced key challenges
in the implementation process. In addition
changes to the existing balancing regimes were
reported by other countries.
In all countries the described CBA process on
information provisions had not been fulfilled two
years after BAL NC came into force. In some
countries the implementation process is under-
way while in other ones it is planned or post-
poned for the future. The progress of this
process must be further monitored in the next
implementation monitoring report. Nevertheless
the implementation or the improvement of
information provisions was reported in several
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ENTSOG BAL NC Monitoring Report 2016