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Brandy and Ginger Ale.—(A large bar glass.) 2

or 3 lumps of ice; 1 wineglass of brandy; 1 bottle of

ginger ale.

Mix well together.

The imported

ginger ale is the best to use as it not only mixes

better but gives more satisfaction.

Brandy and Gum.—(A whisky glass.) 1 or 2

dashes of gnm syrnp; 1 or 2 lumps of ice. Place

a spoon in the glass and stir in the brandy.

Brandy and Soda.—(A large bar glass.) 1 wine

glass or brandy;

glass of line ice; fill up with

plain soda.

The above is a pleasing drink for


Brandy, burned, and Peach.—(A small bar glass.)

1 wineglass of brandy; )/2 tablespoonfnl of sugar;

burn brandy and sugar together in a dish or saucer;

2 or 3 slices dried peach.

Place the fruit in the

glass, pour the burned liquid over it, grate a little

nutmeg on top. The above is a Southern prepara

tion and often used in cases of diarrhoea.

Bronx Cocktail.—orange; fill mixing glass

full ice; % Italian and % French vermouth;

% Gordon gin.

Shake and strain in cocktail glass.

Brunswick Cooler.—(A large bar glass.) Juice of

1 lemon;

tablespoon of powdered sugar; 1 bottle

of cold ginger ale.

Stir well; dress with fruit.

Buffalo Fizz.—(Use large bar glass.) )-2 a lemon;

1 barspoon powdered sugar; 1 jigger rye whisky-

jigger sherry wine; white of 1 egg; shake well',

strain into small fizz glass, fill with fizz, same as

Swiss Ess, and serve with slice of orange.

California Sherry Cobbler.—(A large bar glass.)

tablespoon of sugar; -1 pony of pineapple syrup;

wineglass of California sherry; fill glass with

fine ice. Stir well; dress with fruit and gently

pour a little port on top. Serve with a straw.

California Wine Cobbler.—(A large bar glass.)

Fill glass with fine ice;

tablespoon of sugar; juice

of 1 orange; Ika wineglass of California wine. Stir

well; dress with fruit; top with port wine. Serve

with a straw.

Catawba Cobbler.—(A large bar glass.) 1 tea

spoon of sugar, dissolved in % wineglass of water;

2 wineglasses of Catawba wine; fill glass with fine

ice;, and dress with fruits. Serve with a straw.

Century Club Punch.—1 pint of old Santa Cruz

rum; 1 pint of old Jamaica rum; 5 pints of water,
