South-North Corridor GRIP 2017 |
On behalf of the Transmission System Operators
(TSOs) of the Region, we are pleased to introduce the
South-North Corridor Gas Regional Investment Plan
(SNC GRIP) 2017. This is the third edition, building
further on the previous editions of the SNC GRIP, while
also complementing the Ten-Year Network Develop-
ment Plan (TYNDP) 2017 published by ENTSOG in
December 2016.
The SNC GRIP is the result of close cooperation between TSOs in the six countries
of the European region made up of Italy, Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg
and Switzerland (the SNC Region). The coordination of this document was facilitated
by Fluxys and Snam Rete Gas (Regional coordinators).
This South-North Corridor GRIP aims at giving stakeholders a deeper understanding
of existing infrastructure and possible future market and project developments
within the Region. Special attention is paid to the evolution towards commissioning
of the so-called South-North Corridor Reverse Flow projects in Italy, Switzerland,
Germany and France aiming at opening the South-North Corridor and making
available new sources of gas to Europe as a whole.
The TSOs of the Region believe that this document will provide useful information to
stakeholders to support an informed discussion on assessing the ability of investment
projects to answer specific Regional and overall European market needs, and
welcome further comments from them aiming at improving future editions of this
Marco Alverà
Pascal De Buck
Managing Director & CEO,