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South-North Corridor GRIP 2017
Executive Summary
and Conclusions
The 3
South-North Corridor Gas Regional Investment
Plan (SNC GRIP) highlights the progressive advance-
ments of the Reverse Flow projects completing the link
between Southern and Northern Europe in a bi-direc-
tional, commercially effective and physically secure
way. The first SNC GRIP edition (2012) introduced the
initiatives needed to complete the interconnections
between South and North Europe and while the second
SNC GRIP release (2014) fully described the advance-
ments of these projects, this third SNC GRIP accompa-
nies the Reverse Flow infrastructures in Italy, Switzer-
land, Germany and France along the remaining steps
towards a near future commissioning.
The South-North Corridor Region (SNC Region) spans from Italy to Belgium and
Luxembourg while crossing the backbone of the continent along the Swiss route to-
wards Germany and France. Considering its position at the heart of the European
Union, the SNC Region is vital for the creation of the internal gas market. Therefore,
the realisation of the South-North Corridor, as a bi-directional interconnector at
the crossroads of the major current and future gas import routes, marks the
accomplishment of a main milestone for the completion of the internal energy
Image courtesy of Fluxys