Main Driver
Main Driver Explanation
Market Integration
Benefit Description
The BACI will ensure transmission capacity between the two member states and will facilitate better market integration and security of gas supply also for
adjacent countries. It contributes to the diversification of gas supply and the increased transportation opportunities to and from other countries in CEE
region and access to new and existing trading markets. The BACI will enhance the market development due to access to UGSs both on the Austrian and
Czech side and therefore will enhance the market development by providing peak regulation and the flexibility of gas flow. The BACI is a key element in
creating a well-functioning internal market in the CEE region due to access to existing and new import infrastructures such as a new LNG terminal in
Poland and Croatia, Nord Stream and unconventional gas sources. With the BACI the CEE region would become less vulnerable to a supply disruption
through Ukraine and Belarus and therefore the region will have an increase of security of supply.
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Current TYNDP : TYNDP 2017 - Annex A