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Later, I read a passage of “Savitri”, “The Mother of Might” and it comes to illustrate

the dilemma I am in: I am revolting or, rather, I am fighting within myself to be rid

of this concept, underlying all experience until now, that the world is a battle-field

and the Lord is only half at home in it. I refuse it. And I am slowly beginning to see

that the root of all disharmony and suffering is this very warp in man’s

consciousness. One may, and does, attribute this warp to an Adversary’s making or

interference, multiplying itself as the species propagated, but: isn’t it time one

found out WHAT has allowed such deformation to take place? And to what end?

Not out of guilt and the seeking to be “saved”, but from the yearning and the will to

unite with Him, to become what He is, to EXIST!

Yet, it is a fact that You have suffered the hell of hells in Your body. And that is


But the reasons given are not helpful.

One cannot fight against oneself too long. One must become divine. One has to BE!

I of course can be mistaken, Mother, but I can only love this world when I can feel,

more and more, that it is all the Lord for the purpose of a progressive revelation, of

a consciously evolving manifestation; and adversity co-exists or is concomitant with

that inner warp: one has to find and straighten the warp and the evolutive value of

adversity is gone…!

*9-10-1978, Auroville:

The men tell me they absolutely need 4 bags of cement to finish the final plastering

of the roof already started, so I have got to go right away and somehow find this

cement… I meet Kannan by the office and he gently accepts to drive the van down

to Pondy again even though he hasn’t yet eaten. We drive to Coco Gardens first,

see the man in charge: no cement, they only have what they need for the running

of their factory. I keep quiet, offering it to You to see whether this roof is to be

completed or broken down! The man also keeps silent for a moment. Then he says

he can give me… 4 bags!

We meet Li Mei and B.G who ask us to fetch and load some planks for them, which

delays us further, but we’re beck here by 3.45 pm and the men are happy…

… R came to ask me to go and get the milk at “Sharnga”, so this evening I cycled

over there, and met B.B and Cl.B. B.B tells me he’d planned to see me about the

incident between P.G and one of the masons here, Subrayan, the other night (P.G

had come to the house while Subrayan and his team were concreting the roof and

shouted to them very crudely about their causing disturbance for everybody around

and Subrayan had hit him. I had done nothing about it, really. Only, C.E had gone

out to calm everyone down; but I had clearly heard and felt P.G’s tone and manner

as disrespectful and quite insulting even and his anger to be unwarranted). Then

B.B discloses to me that this story has gone all around and there has been talk of

stopping the work at the house until the matter is seen at a PT meeting, as it is

unacceptable that I have “allowed” a mason to beat P.G, an Aurovilian, and

moreover let him continue work afterwards. I remain quiet and firm, and B.B alters

his attitude and begins to tell me how he feels about solidarity and the need to

support each other unconditionally, whatever may be our rights or wrongs, simply

by virtue of the fact that we have come together for this work, each one’s carrying

one’s share of the contradiction; that we must stand together every time… Both of

them bring up Satprem, of course… I do not argue. We part with a smile.

… It all works itself in me as I slowly cycle back. First I begin to feel again that I’m

all wrong and so is the building of this house and so is the relationship with C.E…