*14-11-1979, Auroville:
Returning at dawn from my watch-duty, I make a round of all the bunds. Most of
them have held, this year; only two have given, and I find Tess already at work
fixing them; the canyon is now in full spate, a speedy red torrent; the dam is
… P.L has put a shortened version of my article in the AV News; Patricia also tells
me that the Coop has been very positive about my draft of a collective letter that
could be sent to the Central Government; and that Prem M has even declared he
was ready to bring it personally to Karan Singh… perhaps one is stepping into the
next phase of Auroville’s growth…!?
*18-11-1979, Auroville:
This afternoon we met in the office to work on and finalise the draft of the proposed
letter to the Government. It is clear that the main thrust of it must convey that we
do not seek to become the “owners” of Auroville – this would be nonsensical. What
we do ask is that the Government of India holds the land of Auroville in trust before
all the nations and people of the earth and stands guarantor that it will remain at
the disposal of all those who feel called to serve the purposes of Auroville according
to its Charter. There would be no need of legal ownership; the land and assets
would be protected within safe boundaries and the Aurovilians would collaborate
with the Government according to terms to be mutually defined regarding
admission, projects and, generally, all relationships to “outside” agencies…
This letter would be addressed to the Minister for Education, with copies to the
President and the Prime Minister as well as to UNESCO, to centres abroad and other
friendly organisations…
*20-11-1979, Auroville:
Savitra comes to ask whether he could stay here with me while he finishes his book
– he had once done a lot of writing; staying with me in the old hut; but this space
is not meant for two separate individuals, it is more for a couple or for two friends
who choose to share the daily life. Yet I must stand by my principle of hospitality,
so I offer him to spend as much of the day-time as he wishes, so he can do his
writing in an atmosphere he likes…
… Krishna my love comes and spends the afternoon here with me…
… P.G and I have become interested in Garaudy: he seems to be a good promise
for France…!
… The new pump-motor has come: this time the company has given us a
*21-11-1979, Auroville:
Without any “personal” reasons I can trace, I find myself empty of energy, as if I
had become lazy… I work with the others – these days Arjun is also coming
regularly -, but I feel almost uninvolved; perhaps it is the magnitude of the work
that arrests me, and the worry: the concrete must not remain exposed the way it is
now, completion of the sphere must be speeded up, but… we are just so few!
… There is a movement towards purity, but, more and more, purity means to me a
sense of wholeness, and cleanliness – not in the moral sense but in the sense of
cohesion, of unified, wholesome response, free from tension, keeping nothing
suppressed or hidden away…