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statements on various issues such as land-taxes, house-taxes, etc, what we could

do in order to reinforce our position…

*2-11-1979, Auroville:

The carpenters have lodged formal complaints with the Police against a whole

bunch of us; I am of course on the list! It is agreed that Yus will go first and find

what exactly we have to do…

It strikes me again that part of me is merely waiting, waiting for circumstances or

for some pressures to make us progress and move forward and grow more

conscious… And how wrong that is, this passive waiting…! One ought to be at every

moment at the maximum of one’s openness, giving oneself…!

*3-11-1979, Auroville:

I may be looking more squarely now at sexuality; it is still very acute in me, but

there is a slow movement of offering it, or perhaps just letting oneself be emptied

of it… Rather than risking more confusion in my relationships, I have begun recently

(after the separation with C.E) to practice self-relief, whenever the need is too

dominant… But one question remains: am I to procreate once?

You know that I have often dreamt of, or wished for, a being who would be my

daughter… But I do not yet know of any woman I would trust enough to do it with…

*9-11-1979, Auroville:

I rains and rains… E.B has come with me to the house for lunch and rest. C has

sent me the prints of my last photographs and I start arranging them in albums,

E.B looking at them carefully; there are many of flowers and leaves, but quite a few

striking portraits as well; E.B is fully appreciative of the shots of stones, of fire, of

wild grass and weeds; she admires the portraits of Patricia; and then she sees her

own face…: the way I usually shoot is precise and may seem pitiless, but these are,

I think, beautiful pictures; yet they show her face very lined and torn by her own

contradictory feelings, like an open book, and it is a blow to her pride, as she

constantly dreams herself other than she is… She refuses it at first and wants me to

destroy the prints. I try to explain what it means and shows and what she can do

about it – beginning with trusting herself more… As I talk to her, she seems to open

to the help and significance through the words…

*10-11-1979, Auroville:

Between the showers, we pull down the rest of one tower, all of us pulling and

hanging on the rope…

…John H tells us that Ruud has now realised he had been trapped in his own image

of a “sadhak” and wants now to come back to us and resume work…

… These nights I have been sleeping for longer hours and my dreams are, it seems

t me, more interesting, although I still cannot recollect them past a certain level.

The reading of Seth’s last book helps me also, perhaps, to focus…

*11-11-1979, Auroville:

There’s been some trouble near “Certitude”. Chris and B.B were first prevented

from ploughing the fields by the SAS’s hired gang; many of us then went to the

spot, it calmed down and Chris started sowing the seeds; and again the SAS sent

their men to plough it all back…!