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The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.


annulled, and in lieu thereof the following

Rule shall be substituted, and shall come into

operation on the 1st day of January. 1914 :—



1.—The Sittings of the Court of Appeal and

the Sittings in Dublin of the High Court shall

be four in every year, viz. :—the Michaelmas


the Hilary Sittings,

the Easter

Sittings, and the Trinity Sittings.

The Michaelmas Sittings shall commence

on the 25th October and terminate on the

21st December.

The Hilary Sittings shall commence on the

IHh January and terminate on the Wednes

day before Easter Sunday when Easter

Sunday falls on or before the 6th day of

April, and on the Thursday week before

Easter Sunday when Easter Sunday falls on

or after the 7th day of April.

The Easter Sittings shall commence on the

Wednesday after Easter week when Easter

falls on or before the 6th day of April, and

on the Thursday in Easter week when Easter

Sunday falls on or after the 7th day of April,

and terminate on the Wednesday before

Whit Sunday when Whit Sunday falls on

or before the 25th day of May, and on the

Wednesday week before Whit Sunday when

Whit Sunday falls on or after the 26th May.

And Trinity Sittings shall commence on

the Wednesday after Whitsun week when

Whit Sunday falls on or before the 25th May,

and on the Wednesday after Whit Sunday

when Whit Sunday falls on or after the 26th

May, and terminate on the 31st July.

The dates


the commencement and

termination of the High Court Sittings in

Dublin for 1914 under the above Order will

be as follows :—

Hilary—llth January to 2nd April.

Easter—16th April to 20th May.

Trinity—3rd June to 31st July.

Michaelmas—25th October to 21st


THE following General Order in Lunacy has

been made bv the Lord Chancellor :—

In Lunacy.

The 19th day of April,







O'BRIEN, Lord Chancellor of Ireland, pur



the provisions of

the Lunacy

Regulation (Ireland) Act. 1871, and of all

other powers and authorities enabling me in

this behalf, do hereby order and direct that

where it shall appear to the Registrar in

Lunacy to be desirable that an order should

be made under the provisions of the 68th

Section of the Act aforesaid, regarding the

property of an alleged insane person where

such property shall not exceed the sum of

£200 in value as to the corpus thereof, or

£20 as to the annual income thereof, the said

Registrar may,

instead of directing


presentation of a petition in accordance with

the provisions of the 21st General Order in

Lunacy of 1879, submit for the consideration

of the Lord Chancellor such evidence as may

be available regarding the property and

affairs of such alleged insane person, together

with a report of a Medical Visitor under

Section 11 of the said Act, and an affidavit

of due service upon the alleged insane person

of notice of the application for an order.

And thereupon the Lord Chancellor may

either make such order as he may consider

expedient in the matter, or may direct that

the matter be set down for hearing, or may

refer it to the Registrar in Lunacy to make

any particular inquiry. The notice to be

given as aforesaid to the alleged insane person

shall be by service upon him personally of a

notice of the said report from such person

as the Registrar in Lunacy shall appoint to

the effect set out in Form No. 1

in the

Schedule hereto, and such notice shall be

served and the service proved as provided by

the 23rd General Order in Lunacy of 1879,

and the notice of objection to be given by

the alleged insane person, shall be to the

effect appearing in Form No. 2



Schedule hereto with such variations as the

circumstances may require.
