A gentleman named Barney is sitting in a chair in a nursing home. He likes his chair, it is very
comfortable to him, and it’s at the perfect level for him to maneuver around and reach objects he
may need. Barney has grown accustomed to his home in the nursing facility. He has grown
accustomed to the staff. He rolls through the halls to greet his friends and even pulls over for a nap
using the handrails on the walls. He knows where to go to eat and where to go to get help if he
needs it. Barney has a sense of security inside his home. The only time he leaves his home is for a
medical appointment.
One afternoon right after lunch, a stranger in a funny looking outfit approaches him and wants to
take him to an appointment. This person Barney doesn’t even know wants to put him in a different
chair, put him on a ramp that goes up in the air and drive him around in a world he doesn’t
recognize anymore. Furthermore, this stranger wants to take him out of his home, which is the only
place Barney feels safe.
You see, to Barney, the world around him has changed from what he remembers. Buildings have
gone up and some have come down. Roads seem much busier and wider than Barney
remembers. Barney can’t hear or see as well as he used to. Barney also moves a lot slower due to
his medical conditions. Sounds scary for Barney, doesn’t it?
It is for reasons like these that we must always remember we transport people. Always treat your
patients with dignity, compassion, and respect.
We have taken the time to review customer service so that as an MAVO you can provide your
patients with the best possible care.
Never let yourself get so caught up in life’s everyday
shuffle that you forget you are caring for a human being.