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October - November 2016





contamination and allowing optimal recy-

cling of water on site.

According to BME operations man-

ager Neil Alberts, recent international

studies suggest that up to 28% of nitrates

from traditional ammonium nitrate fuel

oil (ANFO) explosive can leach into water

draining through underground mine

workings during a blasting campaign.

“These levels can be reduced to as little

as 2,0% by applying best practice, but the

long-term solution lies in explosives that

do not release nitrates into water sources.”

“Among the characteristics of our

emulsions range is its excellent water

resistance, which means that the explo-

sive material does not dissolve readily in

water,” he adds. “This reduces the amount

of nitrate leaching to negligible levels.”

Tests conducted by BME indicated

that, after being immersed in water for a

month, its emulsion released only about

0,7% of its nitrate content.

“The key factor here is the effective-

ness with which the oil in the emulsion

– the fuel phase of the mixture – sur-

rounds and isolates the small droplets of

saturated oxidizer salt, preventing them

from dissolving in water,” says Alberts.

“On the other hand, our tests confirmed

that ANFO dissolves completely when it

comes into contact with water.”

High levels of wastage of ANFO – the

mining sector typically accepts that about

30% of ANFO delivered to a blast site is

not consumed in blasting – suggest that

it may be a contributor to nitrate levels in

water passing through mine workings.

Another advantage of emulsions

highlighted by the tests was that no oil

was released, ensuring that water con-

tamination by oil is also prevented; both

the nitrate and the fuel phases of the mix-

ture are bonded tightly by the emulsifier.

“BME emulsions have already contrib-

uted to environmental sustainability on

mines by incorporating and consuming

previously used oil in its emulsion prod-

ucts, helping mines to dispose of these

liquids safely and cost-effectively,”he says.

“The way we have evolved the matrix also

ensures that no oil is released when our

emulsion comes into contact with water

at the stope face.”

As mines work to prevent or mitigate

environmental damage, pollution or eco-

logical degradation, the levels of nitrate

in water are usually monitored – as high

nitrate levels can render water unsafe for


“By removing the possibility of nitrate

leaching from blasting chemicals under-

ground, mines can reduce the risk of

groundwater contamination as water

drains out of working areas,” Albert con-

firms. “At the same time, where mines

are making efforts to recycle water from

underground, lower nitrate levels will

enhance the overall quality of recycled

water and increase its applications on and

off the mine site.”

Emulsion explosive is part of a grow-

ing range of underground services being

innovated by BME, including up-hole

blasting technology, vertical pipelines

to convey emulsion direct from surface

to working levels, mobile chargers and

pumps, and control systems to facilitate

real-time communication between under-

ground operations and surface systems.

As the pioneer in cold emulsion explosives in

South Africa, BME has evolved this technology

to new levels over the past three decades.