Opstilling endnu ikke tilendebragt. Museet vil antage
lig blive genaabnet i Slutningen af Aaret, og der vil
da være Adgang (gratis) hver Dag (undtagen Mandag)
fra 12—3.
Kunstudstillingen, Charlottenborg,
Kongens Nytorv.
Aarlig Udstilling fra 15. Marts til 15. Maj. Entre 1 Kr.
Mineralogisk Museum,
Hj. af Sølvgade og Øster
voldgade. 1. Rangs
specielle grøn
landske og islandske Mineralier.
logisk Samling,
hvoraf især fremhæves Forsteningerne
fra Faxe og de berømte grønlandske
Adgang Søndag 10—12. Gratis.
Teater iMuseet
i det interessante, gamle
Indgang fra Buegangen ved Christiansborg Slot.
Rummer en fortrinlig, næsten fuldstændig Portrætsam
ling af det kongelige Teaters Personale gennem Ti
derne, Dekorationsudkast, Kostumetegninger, Teater
modeller etc. Kun aabent i Sommermaanederne, Søn
dag og Onsdag 1—3. Entre 50 Øre. Selskaber paa
10 Personer og derover halv Pris.
Tøjhusets historiske Vaabensamling,
Indgang fra
Tøjhusgade 11 eller Christiansgade 12. Interessant
Samling af Skyts og Haandvaaben fra de forskellige
Krige. 1. Maj—30. September. Søndag og Onsdag 1—3.
Zoologisk Museum,
Krystalgade. Enestaaende Sam
ling af Hvalskeletter; righoldig Repræsentation af
Brasiliens og La Platastaternes forsvundne Fauna og
danske, forhistoriske Dyrearter. Oversigtsamling af
Insekterne. Fugle, Fisk, Krybdyr, Dybhavsdyr etc.
Konkylie- og Koralsamling. 15. Maj—15. Oktober. Søn
dag 11—2, Onsdag 12—4 og Fredag
\ XA —3%.
— Ok
tober—Maj, Søndag 12—2, Onsdag 12—3 og Fredag
W i—
3K. Gratis.
Udgravningerne under Christiansborg Slot.
gang inderst i Slottets Hovedportal. Undergravnin
gerne viser de højst interessante Rester af
Borg: Ringmuren, »Absalons Brønd«
og et anseligt
fra 12. Aarh.
Ruinerne af Køben
havns Slot, Blaataaim
og m. m. Flere interessante
Fund er opstillet langs Væggene i de overdækkede
Rum under Slotsgaarden og under Frederik VII’s Sta
tue paa Slotspladsen. Adgang daglig (undtagen Man
dag og Lørdag) hver fulde Time fra Kl. 12—4 incl.
Entre 50 Øre; Børn 25 Øre.
Købmagergade ved Trinitatis Kirke.
Denne interessante og mærkelige Taarnbygning, som
alle Fremmede studser over at se staaende saa at sige
midt paa Kørebanen i den befærdede Gade, er bygget
af Chr. IV (fuldført 1657) til Brug for astronomiske
Observationer, hvortil den tjente lige til 1860. Taarnet
er 35 Meter højt og ca. 15 Meter i Gennemsnit. I Stedet
for Trapper fører en muret Spiralgang op til dets
øverste Platform, hvorfra man foruden den vide Ud
sigt faar et morsomt Overblik over den gamle Bys
Virvar af røde Tage og ned i dens nærliggende smalle
Gader. Adgang Hverdage 10—4, Søndag 12—4 i M a j-
November; 11—3 og Søndag 12—3 i November—Maj.
Entre: Voksne 25 Øre, Børn 10 Øre. Onsdag og Lørdag
hele Aaret gratis fra 11—12.
Museum of Applied Art.
Bredgade 66. The museum
which was established in 1895, has been removed and
is now being installed in four of the pavilions of the
old Frederiks Hospital. On this book being printed (May
1925) the structural alterations and the arrangement
are not yet completed. The museum w ill presumably
be re-opened in the latter part of the year, and it will
then be open daily (Monday excepted) from 12—3. Ad
mission free.
Art Exhibilion.
Charlottenborg, Kongens Nytorv, An-
nual exhibition from 15th March to 15th May. Admis
sion Kr. 1.
Minerological Museum.
Corner of Solvgade and Oster-
voldgade. A first class
mineral collection,
especial mi
nerals from Greenland and Iceland.
collection, of which the fossils from Faxe and
the famous Greenland
fossilized plants
deserve special
attention. Admission Sunday 10—12, free.
Theatre Museum
in the interesting old
(Court Theatre) entrance from the arcade fronting the
wing buildings to Christiansborg Castle. Contains an
excellent almost complete collection of portraits of the
staff of the Boyal Theatre through the ages. Decora-
tion drafts, costume drawings, theatre models etc. Open
during the summer months only, Sunday and Wednes-
day 1—3. Admission 50 Ore. Parties of 10 and over,
half price.
The Arsenal, historical collection of arms.
from Tojhusgade 11 or Christiansgade 12. Interesting col
lection of guns and hand weapons from the different
wars. Open from lst May to 30 Sept., sunday and wed-
nesday 1—3; admission free.
Zoological Museum,
Krystalgade. Unique collection of
whale skeletons; excellent and very complete represen-
tation of the now extinct fauna of Brazil and La Plate,
and of Danish prehistoric animals. An arranged col
lection of shells and corals. Open from 15th May to
15th October, sunday 11—2, Wednesday 12—4 and Fri-
day 1.30—3.30.
Sunday 12—2, Wednes
day 12—3 and Friday 1.30—3.30. Admission free.
Excavations below Christiansborg Castle.
Access down
main entrance. Here are to be seen the extremely
interesting remains of
Absalon’s Castle; the ring wall;
Absalon’s well,
and quite a big tower, built of large
bruks, dating from the 12th century. The ruins of
Copenhagen castle,
blue tow e r
etc. Several in
teresting finds have been arranged along the sides in
the covered in space below the castle court yard and
under the statue of Frederik VII in the front of the
castle. Admission daily (excepting Monday and Satur-
day) every hour from 12 to 4 p. m., charge 50 ore.
Round tower,
Kobmagergade, adjoining the
church Trinitatis Kirke. This truly remarkable old
tower which, with the utmost complacency, butts into
the middle of the busy thoroughfare, is a source of
constant amazement to visitors. It was built by Chr.
IV (completed 1657) for astronomical observations, for
which purpose it was used right down to the year
1860. The tower is 35 M. high, average diameter about
15 M. Instead of steps a broad spiral way leads up to
the top platform, from where, one has a wide view
over the city. Admission, May-November: weekdays
10—4, sunday 12—4; November—May: weekdays
sunday 12—3. Adults 25 ore, children 10 ore. Wednes
day and Saturday mornings from 11 to 12 the whole
year round, admission free.