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Marking another milestone

Our year of celebration continues into 2017 when we’ll be marking the

50th anniversary of our School of Management, with a whole range of

exciting activities organised to celebrate this milestone.

In October we welc omed the new MBA and MSc students, who represent the 50th anniversary cohorts.

Next year the celebratory proceedings will pick up pace, with a large scale anniversary day to take place in the

summer on campus. The day will feature a heritage exhibition, re-enactments of the original work-study group that

led to the formation of the School, a ‘Women in Leadership’ showcase, a ‘Young Careers’ initiative involving local

schools, and an evening gala dinner. There will also be a Festival of Enterprise to doubly mark the 10th anniversary of

Cranfield Venture Day, held by Cranfield’s Bettany Centre for Entrepreneurship.

More details will be announced as we enter into 2017, but in the meantime there are many ways to get involved. We are asking

members of the Cranfield community to share their favourite memories of the School of Management on social media, using #CranfieldSOM50. We

will be choosing a memory to showcase every week and collating experiences for a heritage publication. You can also see the Fifty Faces of Cranfield

campaign take shape as we feature members of the Cranfield community on the homepage of the anniversary website –

There are also plans for a 50th anniversary work of art involving social media participation – something to keep an eye out for.

To enquire about the anniversary activities, please email:

2021 may feel a long way off but it’s already

marked in the University calendar with the three

letters ‘REF’ next to it.

Short for Research Excellence Framework, REF is the system used to

assess the quality and impact of research in UK universities and is one of

the principal mechanisms for allocating public money for research.

Research and innovation are core to our mission and the work we do has

enabled us to make significant contributions to the world around us. As a

research-intensive university, the impact of REF is significant for us, both in

terms of our reputation and the amount of research funding we receive.

Moving towards 400 fully research-active staff is one of the core goals

of our Corporate Plan, with part of this to produce a step change in the

University’s performance at the next REF assessment.

How we did last time

In the last exercise in 2014, 81% of our research was rated as ‘world

leading’ or ‘internationally excellent’. We were also positioned in the top 10

in the UK for research quality in aeronautical, chemical and manufacturing

engineering and number one in the UK for research income from UK

& EU industry, commerce and public corporations in all three units of


REF 2021

The next exercise is expected to take place in 2021, with the REF

submission planned for the end of 2020. While this is still four years away,

we need to work now to ensure the best outcome, so we are already doing

things to prepare.

While the detail of REF2021 is yet to be published, it is clear that the

quality of ‘published research’ will remain core and that demonstrating the

‘real-world’ impact of our research is likely to continue to feature strongly.

Independent review

Earlier this year, the Government tasked Lord Nicholas Stern with

undertaking an independent review of REF. As part of this, the University

submitted a response on its views on the future shape of REF.

Lord Stern’s report makes a number of main recommendations (see the

online version of Perspectives). Irrespective of these and any possible

changes to the REF process that may occur as a result, our research

strategy (the three ‘P’s’) remains key to achieving success in REF -

publishing in top-quality journal papers, winning research money and

recruiting PhD students.

Next steps

The Government and funding councils have been reviewing the Stern

report. A formal consultation will be issued in December 2016, with initial

guidance for REF 2021 due to be published in the summer of 2017.

Keeping you informed

Information on our preparations for REF, together with general REF developments and guidance documents, will be published over time on the REF

intranet page –

‘Research, learning and teaching’ tab > ‘Research Excellence Framework’.

We also have a REF Strategy Board, led by Professor Raj Roy, which will be monitoring progress and will oversee our submission, as well as appointed

REF leads in each theme who will be key points of contact:

School - Theme



CDS – Defence & Security

Drs Nabil Aouf, Gareth Appleby-Thomas, Phil Gill and Ranko Vrcelj

SATM – Aerospace

Professor Phil Webb

Professor Vassilios Pachidis

SATM – Manufacturing

Professor Tetsuo Tomiyama

Professor Mark Jolly

SATM – Transport Systems


Dr Nick Lawson

SWEE – Energy & Power

Professor Ben Anthony

Dr Phil Longhurst

SWEE – Environment & Agrifood

Professor Guy Kirk

Dr Ron Corstanje

SWEE – Water

Professor Ian Holman

Dr Fred Coulon

SOM – Leadership & Management

SOM – Demand Chain Management

Dr Emma Macdonald

SOM – Innovation and Process Management

Professor Marek Szwejczewski

SOM – Policy, Sustainability and Performance

Professor Sunil Poshakwale

SOM – Strategy, People and Leadership

Professor Clare Kelliher

SOM –Impact overall

Dr Palie Smart


Work Study Group

A Work Study Group is established at the then College of Aeronautics to focus on management, running short courses for business

executives with emphasis on participative learning that strengthens the initiative and enterprise of students. It is funded by Imperial

Chemical Industries (ICI), Hoover and the British Institute of Management.

The Cranfield MBA

Cranfield's first Master of Business Administration programme is run within the Work Study Group.

School of Management

Cranfield School of Management is established as Cranfield's business school, growing out of industry’s need for advanced management

training. Professor Peter Forrester is appointed as its first Head of School.

First awards

By 1969 the Institute has grown enormously in the size and scope of its activities. With a student population of 580, it is organised into three

faculties under the direction of a new Senate - Aeronautics, Engineering Science and Technology, and Management. Cranfield is awarded its

Royal Charter giving it university status. The first MBAs are awarded to an all-male class.

First female MBA

Marilyn Reynolds becomes the first woman to receive a Cranfield MBA.

Official opening

The University receives a Royal visit from the Duke of Edinburgh to officially open the new School of Management building, 111.

Executive MBA

The School establishes the Executive MBA programme and its first degrees are awarded two years later.

Business Growth Programme

The BGP, designed specifically for the development of owner-managers, runs its first course which receives major publicity thanks to its

entrepreneurial fee payment option of “no growth, no fee.” The programme fills 15 places from approximately 200 applicants. To date over

2,200 people have achieved their business and personal ambitions through the programme.

MBA goes global

Executive MBAs embark on a study trip to China, the first Cranfield MBA in Singapore begins with 21 Asian students, and approval is

given for a part-time programme in Hong Kong. Cranfield welcomes MBA exchange students from Germany's Otto Beisheim School of

Management, Denmark's Aarhus BSS, and the US's University of Washington.

The Cranfield Trust

The Trust is established after HRH The Princess Royal challenged the Cranfield community to use their skills to benefit the voluntary sector.

It is formed to apply the School’s expertise to issues of non-profit organisations and becomes involved in a variety of projects from logistics

support for disaster relief in Rwanda, to assistance with business planning and computer systems at charity headquarters.

Cranfield DBA

The Cranfield Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) is launched: the highest business qualification that provides a doctoral route for

those who wish to acquire a top-level qualification whilst remaining practitioners. The four- to eight-year degree is research-based, but unlike

a PhD, is driven by a management issue rather than an academic research question.

Triple Accreditation

Cranfield School of Management becomes one of an elite group of schools worldwide to hold the triple accreditation of AACSB International

(the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business), EQUIS (European Quality Improvement System) and AMBA (the Association of

MBAs), an achievement that continues to this day.

Top ranks continue

Cranfield School of Management is ranked 2nd in the UK, 7th in Europe and 1st in the world for global international reach of our global

programmes. We are also ranked 5th in the world for the quantity and quality of the programmes we develop in collaboration with other

business schools. 95% of our customers said if they were to embark on the same programme again, they would choose Cranfield.













A look back

– from work study group to top ranking business school

To view the full timeline, visit the anniversary website:



Keeping staff informed

December 2016

Research excellence spotlight

Please note the REF intranet page will shortly also contain information on the work of the REF Strategy Board.

If you would like to understand more about the REF or talk about your personal plans, please contact the names above or the REF Support Team


Our preparations

1. Mock REF in progress

Running from December 2016 to February 2017, a mock REF exercise is being conducted to provide a snapshot of progress and identify where we

might need to focus additional effort.

2. Launch of REF Support Week

Each quarter, a REF Support Week is going to be held as a way of sharing information about REF and providing REF-related guidance to academic

and research colleagues across the University. Throughout the week, there will be a series of information sessions, drop-ins and keynote speakers

with the aim of helping Cranfield enhance the quality of its submission. Keep an eye on the intranet for details. The first week was held in November

2016, hosted by SATM, and successfully raised awareness of what the REF entails as well as providing practical support for submission planning.

The next one is due in April 2017 and will be hosted by CDS.

3. Getting published

10 easy steps – online module

This is a flexible online programme which has now been rolled out across the whole University for anyone involved in publishing their research.

It comprises 10 weekly steps, each including a short video, links to a host of other useful resources and a weekly blog with examples of good

practice. There is also the opportunity to engage with a community of peers within a moderated forum.

‘Publishing in leading journals’ seminar series

These seminars are held on a regular basis to assist colleagues with publishing papers by exploring what it takes to get a paper published in a

leading journal, the submission process, how reviewer comments should be handled and top tips for success. Look out for future seminars on the
