2 2 7
Fig. 3 b.
Two cases of calcinosis localis are described and the literature on
this subject is discussed.
Case I. A male,
years of age. For many years his right knee
had been stiff, following a resection for tuberculosis (?). Twice the
right crus has been subject to traumata, four years and twelve
months ago respectively. For the last two years some strange ulcers
have been present on the right crus, corresponding to which a cal
cinosis localis was demonstrated.
On account of the formation of an abscess on the crus, an ampu
tation was made of the right femur. The surgeon considered the
diagnosis of a “ forgotten” gravitation abcsess form the old tubercu
losis (?) of the knee the most likely, but this opinion was definitely
rejected by the x-ray and histological findings.
Histological examination revealed not only calcification of the
interstitial connective tissue, but also fairly extensive calcifications
of the small vessels, as well as local changes in the bone. In the de
posits on the interosseous membrane of the crus metaplastic bone
formation was demonstrated, but not in the other deposits.
Case II. A typical case of calcinosis circumscripta localized to
the right forefinger. X-ray treatment was attempted, but it was
not of any effect. According to the family history it seems that the
mother of the patient has suffered from the same disease, which
might indicate a hereditary disposition.
The value of Debye-Scherer diagrams in future examinations of
calcinous deposits is pointed out.