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Shanghai: New CBDs

Shanghai, mainland China’s financial

center, is evolving rapidly. As the city’s

breakneck development has turned

its core CBD areas into mature hubs

of Grade A oŸce space, new business

districts are emerging in decentralized

or non-core locations to accommodate

the growing needs of domestic and

foreign firms. Shanghai’s traditional

downtown submarkets of Lujiazui,

New Huangpu, Jing’an and Xuhui are

experiencing tight availability rates –

in the case of Lujiazui, the center for

banking and financial services, at just

3.4%. The other CBD areas cater to a

more diverse mix of domestic and MNC

tenants, including companies in the

consulting, professional services, legal

and retail sectors. For the most part,

available space in these submarkets

is also quite constrained and as

Shanghai’s service sector continues

to grow at a blistering pace, demand

should continue to spill over into the

emerging CBDs where the bulk of new

high-quality oŸce space will come on

stream, as well as the business parks

that surround the city’s core.

Some 90 million sf of Grade A oŸce

space is projected to launch in

Shanghai during the second half of

2016 through 2021, more than doubling

the current supply. The majority of

this (57 million sf) will hit the market

in suburban or decentralized areas

of Shanghai. Municipal government

plans call for intensive development of

key emerging CBD areas such as the

Hongqiao Central Business District,

the North Bund area, and the Qiantan

International Business Zone. Of these,

the Qiantan zone located south of the

former World Expo site is perhaps the

most promising alternative location

to Lujiazui. Still in the early phases

of development, the well-connected

zone is within easy reach of downtown

Lujiazui and will be home to major

mixed-use complexes from developers

including, Swire Properties and Tishman



An Inevitable Evolution

As Asia’s economies grow in stature and sophistication and companies grapple to establish a

presence in its cities, it is only natural that space at its conventional business districts would

reach its limits. While cost rationalization is a key objective for corporates to relocate to the

periphery, within these objectives, greater mobility due to the build-out of infrastructure

networks is making secondary oŸce markets more viable. The emergence of a well-defined

decentralized Grade A oŸce market is the next step in the evolution of the region’s hubs.