The Smashes belong to the class of original American drinks. In
the part they were prepared in a mortar, in which sugar and mint-
leaves were pounded, dissolved in a little water, and strained
very fine. To this aromatic sugarwater was added the desired
Later on sugar and leaves were crushed with a Muddler (wooden
spoon) in a glass, dissolved in water and the desired Rum, Cognac
&c., added, well shaken. The contents were served in an old-
fashioned glass with cracked ice.
Lately such a glass or a larger punch glass has been dressed with
fruits. Pineapples, Oranges, Lemons, Strawberries &c. These fruits
are cut into slices and placed on the edge of the glass, the berries
decorating the top of the drink.
The last development in Smashes is to squeeze the various fruits
and thus obtain, after following the above mentioned preparation,
the so-called Fancy Smashes (See recipes).
The old-fashioned Smashes are very similar to the Juleps but are
made on the same basis as the Cobblers.
lies Smashes appartiennent a la classe des boissons americaines pri
mitives. On les preparait autrefois de la fajon suivante: Dans un
mortier on broyait du sucre avec des feuilles de menthe, faisait dis-
soudre avec un pen d'eau, passait par un crible fin et ajoutait finale-
ment a cette eau sucree et aromatis^e I'alcool voulu.