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Robots are particularly well-suited

for manufacturing as they excel

at repetitive tasks. When asked to

complete the same task again and

again, humans can easily become

bored and distracted leading to poor

products or even worse accidents.

As such, robots can often perform

these tasks better than their human


As technology develops, industrial

robots are gaining more capabilities

like increaseddexterity and reasoning

skills. So much so that CNN predicts

that by 2025, 45% of manufacturing

jobs will be undertaken by robots.

AI in healthcare

Many areas of healthcare are

already benefiting from AI. Artificial

intelligence in healthcare can use AI

algorithms to scan radiology images

for cancerous tumors and can produce

far more efficient readings than even

the best radiologist. This technology

has allowed doctors to shorten

diagnostic timeframes, which means

that patients can receive treatment

much faster and subsequently have

a higher chance of survival.

Within the healthcare industry, AI is

being used to examine large datasets

to understand and make informed

decisions about diseases and help

doctors create optimized treatment

plans. Chatbots, in the form of Virtual

Health Assistants, are also being

employed to schedule appointments

and reduce admin tasks at doctor

offices. AI can even be used for at

homecare services like reminding

patients to take their medication,

answer basic medical questions and

call an ambulance in an emergency.

Artificial Intelligence

in education

Schools and other learning

environments are adopting AI to

create personalized learningmethods

to assist students; especially those

with learning disabilities. AI devices,

like Intelligent Tutoring Systems,

can analyze how the student

processes and learn information.

By using this information teachers

can create a tailored plan to meet

students learning needs. AI can also

be used to streamline admin tasks,

like grading papers, so teachers

have more time to focus on what

they do best.

As AI becomes integrated into

more classrooms, the traditional

classroom structure could be

radically transformed. More efficient

learning environments, tailored to

meet each students’ unique needs,

may soon be possible. Leading to a

world, where every student gets the

help they need to do their best.

Artificial Intelligence

in banking & machine

learning in finance

Machine learning algorithms can be

used to detect and prevent credit

card fraud. AI devices scan card

transactions to identify an “abnormal”

activity and flag anything out of the

norm. This is why your card often gets

declined if you try to use it overseas

or to purchase a big-ticket item.

AI systems are far more capable

than humans in their ability to

accurately detect fraud as robots are

experts at scanning large amounts

of data. As this technology evolves,

it should reduce the number of false

declines which currently affect card

users and businesses.

Financial service professionals can

also use AI algorithms to conduct

credit reports, process mortgage

applications, manage money and

transactions, and trade on the stock

market. For example, Automated

Trading Systems quickly analysis

large amounts of data to create more

in-depth and accurate insights into

the stock market so that traders can

make quicker decisions. Customers

and accountants can access apps

like Pegg to manage and automate

financial transactions from any

location, at any time.

Benefits of Artificial


Like any emerging technology, AI and

automation have a few drawbacks.

One of the biggest barriers for SMEs

when it comes to integrating this

technology into their work processes

is the initial cost. Some AI applications

can be very expensive. However,

as AI technology becomes more

mainstream, costs should decrease,

and specialist equipment should

come with payment plan options.

Currently, AI and automation

technology is also rather limited in

capabilities. Robots are unable to

handle complex human emotions, react

appropriately to unexpected events

or come up with creative solutions.

As such, they’re not suitable for all

Image 4:

Artificial Intelligence applications for businesses

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