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Classic Vision

Separated system for capturing

image streams and processing,

outsourced analysis for decisions,

made to support many possible tasks.

Embedded Vision

Fully integrated all-in-one system

capturing image streams, on-board

processing and interpreting data,




resulting in an action. Made for a

specific task.

How IoT applications benefit

from Embedded Vision

Embedded Vision does not only take

pass / fail or yes / no decisions based

on some criteria, it provides a broader

form of intelligence leveraging neural

networks that massage and analyze

the image data and information.

Embedded Vision systems moves

from pre-defined actions based on

specific inputs to specific reactions

to spontaneous situations, with real-

time decision making and resulting

activities. This is similar to how smart

cameras work but allow for adaptation

and expansion with evolving responses

as more scenarios are encountered

and evaluated. Also, the “smarts” are

being deeply integrated into every kind

of device, more and more. This creates

new IoT devices that are more aware

and better able to process inputs from

their surroundings, further propagating

how Embedded Vision is enabling more

VoT devices.

Most industrial and consumer products

are internet-aware today, exchanging

data with one and other using local

networks and the cloud. With the

addition of vision, these devices will

be controllable via eye tracking, face

or gesture recognition. As an example,

a refrigerator with embedded vision

inside would be able to recognize what

food has been consumed and then

automatically add it to the family’s

online shopping list. Using intelligent

embedded vision, security applications

can count people, create heat maps,

or identify persons of interest and

share the visual and analytics data

within networks. When it comes to self-

driving cars, embedded vision steers

the vehicle within its lane on the road

and avoid obstacles that may appear

without any warning. This example

highlights the importance of Embedded

Vision in this application to not only to

see but to understand the scene and

react accordingly.

From a technical perspective, a smart

embedded vision system not only

recognizes defects or abnormalities

based on pre-defined criteria, it is

capable of determining an appropriate

response to correct or avoid them.

Embedded Vision provides a more

comprehensive view of the world

by recognizing, understanding and

identifying the environment without

further external interaction.

What is required for a fully

embedded vision product?

It is all about efficiency. Embedded

Vision brings vision technology to its

simplest formula “capture, process,

respond”. The building blocks of a true

embedded vision systems are:

Sensor or Sensor Module

Control unit to receive the images

and direct them to the processing unit

Processing unit that is either local

or cloud based that provides the full

image pipe line

Purpose build algorithms and neural

networks that provide the intelligent

processing of the images

Embedded Vision requires more

analysis and processing of the image

data, so an embedded vision product

typically includes back-end processing

that is done on either an ISP or GPU.

Intelligent algorithms running on these

devices allow the machine to analyze

the incoming video data, process them

and interpret them to make decisions

and react accordingly. Embedded vision

products provide not only data but

results based on this data.

“Embedded Vision does not

have to be small but it has

to be smart.” –

Darren Bessette

Typical embedded vision components

come in small form factors, but this does

not mean that they can only be used in

small or low-cost devices. As with the

example provided previously, self-driving

cars are the exception to using embedded

vision in small, low cost devices. A better

way to think of embedded vision is to

think of smart imaging that do not need

human interaction to process and react

to the video stream. Embedded Vision

is enabling machines to see and think,

powering the Vision of Things of the


Figure 1:

Embedded vision systems

typically combine a camera, processing

device and interface

Embedded vision examples: Home

robotics, e. g. robot vacuum cleaners

Darren Bessette, Category

Manager and machine

vision expert, FRAMOS

New-Tech Magazine Europe l 65