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June 2015



Figure.1: The change in bridge profiles after contact between a pendent droplet and a weld pool; (a): At an inclination angle of 0°. (b): At an

inclination angle of 45°.

is, essentially, a result of a lack of deep understanding of

welding phenomena.

Modelling and high performance control of

GMAW processes

The digitally controlledweldingmachine, as well as delivering

very fast and precise current and voltage control, now also

offers digitally controlledwire feeding, which has been consid-

ered a weak point in GMAWprocesses for many years, limiting

the use of the process for high performance applications. It

is now possible, however, for GMAW processes to become a

high quality welding process with an extremely stable arc –

equivalent to TIG welding arc – and simultaneously, a higher

productivity welding process because of its high deposition

rate. But in order to ensure the stability of the gas metal arc

is equivalent to that of the TIG arc, software is required to

continuously control welding phenomena and to provide the

optimum combination of current, voltage and wire feeding.

This means that information about the dynamic behaviour of

the arc, the electrode wire and the weld pool must be linked

to the control variables of the digital welding machine.

The computer technologies of today havemade rapid and

significant progress. They can nowbe used to carry outmodel-

ling and simulation of very complicated welding phenomena

with high temperature and high luminescence. Some predic-

tion about welding control phenomena are described here

basedon knowledge obtained through numerical simulations.

Figure 1 shows the change of a molten drop’s shape with

time calculated using a 3D numerical model just after contact-

ing the pool surface in the short-circuiting transfer process

[6]. In the case of a torch inclination angle of zero degrees,

the liquid metal at the wire tip flows into the pool due to the

forces of capillary pressure and electro-magnetic forces, as

shown in Figure 1 (a). When high current flows in the liquid

bridge during short-circuiting, the depression in the pool oc-

curs at the breakup of the liquid bridge and, subsequently,

it induces pool oscillation. The time required for breakup of

the liquid bridge dominates short-circuiting frequency and

dictates the welding current necessary for practical welding.

In principle, therefore, only current modulation is available

for use to achieve stable and smoothmetal transfer. When the

wire is inclined to the pool, because electro-magnetic forces

do not act axial-symmetrically, the bridge is deformed like a

bow. And after the breakup of the bridge, the drop at the wire

tip is detached from the solid wire tip and is propelled away

as a spatter, as shown in Figure 1 (b).

For several decades in Japan and Western countries, re-

search and development in the short-circuit welding process

has been focused on realising stable welding that is spatter

free by means of actively controlling welding current alone.

But in practical applications, this has never been completely

satisfactory, because amultitude of welding variation, such as

current, shielding gas and consumablematerial, which restrict

the levels of control possible.

The presentation and publication of the CSC process for

aluminiumMIGwelding by G. Huismann [7] notes that control

of wire feeding speed and direction was very effective for

stabilising the short-circuiting process and reducing spatter.

Simultaneous control of current and wire feeding was then

established, which expanded the available range of applica-

tions possible for the process. By using digitally controlled

welding machines, the breakup of the liquid bridge could be

achievedmechanically, via a precisemovement of thewire tip

under the control of the feeder. Inaddition, currentmodulation

could be used to widen the available range of welding condi-

tions. For example, the combination of short-circuit transfer

with pulsed transfer was developed for the GMAWprocess and

used in practice[8].

To realise a new welding process, however, we need to

start from the concept stage, for which advanced numerical

simulation is an effective tool. Figure 2 shows the numerical

simulation results for metal transfer in an argon gas shielded

(a) Inclination angle = 0°

(b) Inclination angle = 45°.