201. Pousse Cafe.
Can be made in a great many varieties by pouring
the heaviest liqueurs in rotation in your Pousse
Cafe glass, and different makes of liqueurs differ
a lot in weiglit. Following are two of the best :
202. Pousse Cafe No. 1.
i Syrup Framboise, J Crdme de Violctte,
i Curasao (Orange), ^ Cr6me de Mcnthe (Verte),
j Kiimmel, J Brandy.
203. Pousse Cafe No. 2.
J Anisette Syrup, J Cherry Brandy, J White
Mint, J Yellow Chartreuse, J Green Chartreuse,
J Grand Marnier.
Great care should be taken so as to avoid the
different liqueurs from running together.
204. Pousse L'Amour.
J Maraschino into small wineglass. Drop in
I yolk of a Fresh Egg, J Creme Vanilla (Green),
J Brandy.
Proper attention must be paid that the yolk of
the egg does not run into the liqueur.
(Recipe by Harry Johnson, New Orleans.)
205. Pall Mall Cocktail.
r teaspoonful White Mint, i dash Orange Bitters,
} Italian Vermouth, J French Vermouth, J Gin.
Shake well, and strain.
(Recip6 from Guido, Cafe de Paris, Monte Carlo.)