Metheg-lin is usually d ivided iuto the
Simple a ud the Vinous. Simple Methegliu
is that which has not been fermented, and
the Viuous is that which has obtained a
spirit by fermentation .
Take as much uew honey separated from
tho comb which, when well mixed with
water, will be of such a consistency as t o
bear an egg; boil this liq uor for oae hour;
let it s tand covered up till t he next mornin n-
a nd, if it is then quite cold , put it into a cask.
To every fifteen gallon s add pulverized ginger,
iuace, c i11namo11, and c loves, of each an ounce.
promote fermentation, put into the bung–
hole two ta ble-spoousful of yeast. When
it has done working stop it up, and in a
rnonth or six week s it will be in a
state to
be drawn off into bottles .