bottle it off, a nd d eposit it in a cellar of cool
t e mpe rature.
Some prefer it witho ut the spices, others
without lemons.
To each gallon of wate r acid four p ounds
o f the whitest, purest, a nd best tasted honey,
a nd the peelin g of two lemons ; boil it ha lf
an h our. Scum it wi1en cold. Put it into
cask, a dd some yeast to it; when it has
done fermenting, stop the cask
c lose,
and a t the expiration of eig ht 1nonths bottle
it off.
this liquor is properl y kept, the t aste of
th e h oney will go off, a nd it will resemble
'fokay both in s trength and flavo ur.
llAXTF.1:, 1'111x·n:1:, oxrono.