Maintenance and Repair Services
Hong Kong Automobile Association (AA)
Membership Tel: 2739 5273
Breakdown Assistance Tel: 2304 4911
www.hkaa.com.hkBritish Repair and Driving School
63 Pok Fu LamRoad
Pok Fu Lam
Tel: 2540 3306
Elegant Motor Service Co. Ltd
G/F, 5 Mui Hing Street
Happy Valley
Tel: 2893 9767
Fookie Motors Company Ltd
Shau Kei Wan
Tel: 2565 6166
Taxis can be found everywhere and at the taxi pick up points located in convenient areas. Taxis
are regulated and required to display both their car numbers and names on the dashboard.
Most taxi drivers understand theEnglishnames formajor streets,hotels,andnumbers.
Anything more complicated could be a problem. Having your destination written in Chinese
characters canhelp.
At night a lighted roof dome indicates availability; in daytime a red “for hire” flag on the dashboard
can be seen at a distance. Off-duty or pre-booked taxis will display an “Out of service” sign.
Taxis in Hong Kong are relatively inexpensive; a trip from Central to Mid-Levels costs
approximately $18.00-$35.00. A trip from Mid-Levels to the airport will cost approximately $500.
Drivers do not give small
change.Ifthe fare is $18.20, the driver will most likely give you $1 or
$1.50 change from $20. Tipping in the form of rounding up is common practice; a larger tip is
discretionary.Youwillalso incuradditionalexpensesifyouusethe trunkofthetaxi tostoreyour
luggage HK$5, as well as extra charges for tunnel tolls.
Taxis come in different colours, indicating the area they are allowed to service.
Red Hong Kong Island and Kowloon
Green NewTerritories
Blue Lantau Island