Booking a Taxi
If you are home and wish to call a taxi, this is easily done; there is a $5 taxi booking surcharge.
24-Hour Reservation Hotline
Hong Kong Tel: 2574 7311
Kowloon Tel: 2760 0411
New Territories Tel: 2383 0899
Radio Taxi (Booking) Services
Tel: 2527 6324
Areas covered: Hong Kong andKowloon.
Wi Fat Taxi Owner Association
Hong Kong Island
Tel: 2861 1008
Areas covered: Hong Kong and Kowloon.
Wing Tai Radio Taxi
Tel: 2861 1011
Areas covered: Hong Kong Island.
Old-fashioneddouble-deckerstreettramsrunparallel to theharbour onHongKong Island
fromKennedy Town (west) to Shau KeiWan (east), while one spur goes to Happy Valley. These
hundred-year-old streetcars are the least expensive way to go short distances in Hong Kong. The
tram costs around HKD$2.00 for adults and HKD$1.00 for children, you can pay by Octopus card
or cash - pay the correct fare,as no change is given.Tramsrun from6 a.m.tomidnight.
For further information:
HK Tramways Limited
Tel: 2548 7102
www.hktramways.comTravel Agents Registry
Hong Kong is the gateway to China and the hub of Asia as well as a route to all major airports around
theglobe.HongKongGovernmentestablishedtheTravelAgentsRegistryandit isresponsiblefor
the administration of theTravelAgents Ordinance whose aim is to raise the standard of the trade
through regulation of the travel agents operating in Hong Kong.They aim to protect the interest of
outbound travelers and the inbound visitors and enhance the reputation of Hong Kongas a tourist-
friendly city.Their web site provides a list of all the licensed travel agents in Hong Kong
Tel: 3151 7945