Tropical Cyclone: Typhoons
Tropical cyclones also known as a ‘typhoon’ normally occurs during the months May to November.
In layman’s terms, typhoons are hurricanes. They are characterized by strong winds, rain and
heavyseas.Itisunusual forHongKong toexperienceadirecthit,butoneortwo typhoonsayear
comes close enough to cause heavy damage. The danger posed by “near miss” typhoons is flying
debris—loosebambooscaffoldingcanbecomeflyingspears inheavywind—sopleasetakethe
warnings seriously and stay indoors.
A typhoons progress can be monitored by:
TV, a warning signal at the corner of the screen.
Radio stations make frequent announcements.
All major buildings display signs at their entrances.
Check the Hong Kong Observatory website
: www.weather.gov.hk+
Contact the Hong Kong Observatory Tel: 1878 200
The most common tropical cyclone warning signal warnings are: T1, T3, and T8.
Typhoon Warning 1
Typhoon1isastand-bysignal,indicating thatatropicalcyclone ispositionedwithin800kmof
Hong Kong; it is advisable to monitor the progress of the Typhoon signal for changes.
Typhoon Warning 3
Strong winds, with a sustained speed of 41- 62 km/h. Gusts may exceed 110km/h.Secure all
loose objects, particularly on balconies and rooftops. Secure all temporary structures. Monitor the
progress of the Typhoon signal for changes.
Typhoon Warning 8
Gale force winds expected with sustained speed of 41–62 km/h. Gusts may exceed 180 km/h.
Completeall precautionsbefore thegales commence.Lockall windows and doors,fitbars into
rattling and potentially shattering in the high winds, use adhesive tape or doorstoppers. Secure all
outdoor temporary fittings and loose objects. Stay in a safe area away from windows. Ensure your
car is parked in a safe place.
Monitor the progress of the Typhoon signal for changes.
Typhoon Warning 10
Stormsrarelyreach this level of intensity.However,thissignal ishoistedwhenhurricane force
winds are making a direct approach to Hong Kong. Consequences of a direct hit are quite
serious with broken power lines,major flooding,and flying
debris.Itis imperative that you stay
indoors until the signal is lifted; a lull in the storm may only mean that the center is passing
over with dangerousguststocome initswake.