In order to provide continuity it has been necessary, by way of explanation, to include
and refer to information that existed prior to 1990-2015, sometimes after, where this was
appropriate to the story since it is necessary to give the full background to events that shaped
others that followed. Frequently, it has been necessary, within a given chapter, to retrace
one’s footsteps backwards to cover parallel developments of another important topic, or
issue, which had to be dealt separately to the other. It is inevitable also that duplication will
occur in some chapters, but this has been avoided where possible, or used from a different
Such an undertaking, in recording IIW’s history, has required the
assistance of many IIW members who have either contributed information,
or have become directly involved in reviewing specific chapters, and they are
sincerely thanked for their participation. Their contributions have ensured
that a human dimension has been added to this history of IIW. Thanks also
go to Cécile Mayer and the staff at the IIW Secretariat who provided access
to a wide range of material from IIW’s archives, and special mention must
go to Chris Smallbone, Chairman of the Task Group History whose vision,
input and enthusiasm for the project were boundless.
I trust that you find this history of IIW informative and interesting and that it is a
source of inspiration for Institute members to continue its proud heritage as the leader for
those involved in welding and its processes into a future that is an ‘unending adventure at
the edge of uncertainty’ (Jacob Bronowski 1908-1974).
David Barnett
Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (UK)
March 2017