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March 2017

MechChem Africa



Waste management

N-series shear

speeds-up metal recycling

Texas-based metal recycling company,

Oak Cliff Recycling, has selected Metso’s

N-series inclined shear (NIS) to maximise

metal processing efficiency.

“Metso’s NIS can process difficult ma-

terials quickly and efficiently. Cutting cycle

times are fast, and the design of themoving

floor ingetting the scrapmetal to theblades

removes the added time of folding and

compressing in a box,” says Benjie Smith,

owner, Oak Cliff Recycling.

The Texan recycling company has

struggled with unwieldy materials in con-

ventional style shears that slow down pro-

duction. Oversized and often intractable

material hampered recyclingprocesses, but

the challenges were detected and solved

with the help of Metso experts.

TheMetsoNIS is a state-of-the-art grav-

ity feed shear that can accept longmaterial

and large bulky scrap and is available with

cutting forces from 600 to 1 250 t. Self-

containedandeasy to install, theunit offers

exceptional performance on heavy-melt

scrap, auto bodies, steel mill scrap, miscel-

laneous shapes, pipe, plate, shipbreaking,

railcar, demolition scrap, aluminium, and

stainless steel materials.

Regardless of the size of business, big or

small, the NIS is at the forefront of provid-

ing the technology and services needed to

ensure success. The N-series range is fully

backed by Metso’s worldwide service net-

work. Service contacts are locally available

to customers so that they have efficient

direct support when required.

New housing design for

Lindemann shredders

Metsohas developed a newhousing design

that cuts service downtime, facilitates the

maintenance of recycling equipment and

makes it easier to keep the machinery in

topshape. Available for almost everyMetso



shredder, the new solution

enables multiple maintenance operations

to be performed conveniently, swiftly and

at one time.

Themost significant improvement is the

detachable front wall. The removable unit

provides easier access to wear parts and

speeds up the replacement ofworn compo-

nents.The new design also enables several

maintenance tasks to be carried out at the

same time. With the detachable front wall

lifted out of positionwith a crane, the rotor

adjustment and the replacement of wear

plates, for example, can be conveniently

handled simultaneously.

Minimising maintenance downtime in

production is achievable by acquiring a

secondMetso front wall set for stock. This

makes it possible to replace thewhole front

wall and its worn parts immediately, so

that production can be restarted without

delay. All the required maintenance for

the dismantled set can then be done while

production is up and running so that it is

ready for the next service break.

The solution is available as a retrofit for

existing middle housings, as part of a com-

plete new middle housing, or as standard

for all newMetso Lindemann machines.


The Metso NIS is a state-of-the-art gravity feed shear that can accept long material and large bulky

scrap and is available with cutting forces from 600 to 1 250 t.

needed in order to recall, repair and rein-

carnate products into an upgraded former

self. Rapid innovation will generate IoT plat-

forms and seamless technologies into new

services and product offerings. The need for

ongoing research and development will drive

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering,

Mathematics) disciplines.Weneed toprepare

for these complexities, so that the added

layers of life cycles are anticipated in tomor-

row’s briefs and an ‘egg-on-face’ situation is

narrowly averted.

We have to collaborate

Circular solutionswill only realise sustainable,

future-proofedecosystems if everybody is on

board. Perhaps even more important than

the engineers and designers, governance

and regulation are crucial in endorsing these

processes. Redesigning supply chains and

business models require robust round-table

discussions betweenbusinesses, universities,

social groups and policymakers.

Initiatives such as the Ellen MacArthur


this idea that closed-loopambitions cannever


ties together supply chain leaders, industries

and geographies. From designers to academ-

ics, CEOs to city mayors, people are locking

heads and sharing their complementary ex-

pertise. The result ofwhich is amore effective

and holistic solution that generates wins for

both the planet and our pockets.

Linear thinking can’tmeet theneeds of the


lost. Draw a straight line long enough and it

would actually envelop the globe, paradoxi-

callymaking a circle.What we need are linear

thinkers to be open-minded to extrapolate

their thinking out far enough in order to,

ultimately, draw the same conclusion – that a

circular approach is actually where all roads

lead. Going forward, drawing circles around

our consumer behaviourmay be the bestway

to draw the line.


The original article by Tim

Plenderleith, Client Director

– manufacturing, ANZ & Asia,

Aurecon, was published online

and can be accessed by clicking

the QR code opposite.

Referenced articles:

1 Adidas to make shoes that never get thrown



2 Lease jeansfor€7,50amonth



3 Puzzlephone, Upgradeable, Sustainable,


4 Circular Economy reports: www.ellenmacarthur- /publications

5 Kingfisher Group, Circular Economy 100:


6 Phillips:

