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March 2017

MechChem Africa



Sustainable energy and energy management

The complete 35 t packaged diesel generator set being lifted for loading onto transport vehicle.

Preparations underway to start with the scope of work on site, showing the arrival of supporting ancillary

components to be installed, followed by cold and hot commissioning in the presence of specialists from

the DRC Utility, SNEL.

All supporting ancillary components fitted to the mobile substation. Final preparations underway, ready

to commence with connection to the SNEL electrical network.

generator plant

is highly conductive and must not be allowed

to enter the power generationunits,” Gerrard

says. “For this reason, a filter system was

designed that could accommodate the high

volumes of moving air required to cool the

engines, while also requiring as little mainte-

nance as possible.”

Once again, a local solution was designed,

in the form of a custom-engineered, self-

cleaning cartridge type ventilation and pres-

surisation fan unit, comprising four WEG

7.5 kW fan motors.

To feed diesel to the generators, Zest

Energywill install a30000

intermediate fuel

tank to draw from the customer’s bulk fuel

storage system with a duplex fuel filtration

and circulation system as well as all inter-

connecting piping, valves, pumps and fittings

within the power plant area.

A local fuel connection point within the

plant area will also be installed as a contin-

gency, shouldbulk fuel supplynot beavailable.

To comply with environmental regulations, a

bunded fuel and oil area will be constructed,

with an oil-water separation system.

“There are also various systems we will

provide for plant auxiliary power require-

ments and for plant earthing and lightning

protection, as well as cabling, terminations,

racking and supports to all plant electrical

equipment,” Gerrard says. “Through our

member companies in the Zest WEG Group,

we are able to give our customers a single

point of contact for the range of services

we are providing, while project managing

and quality controlling every aspect of the

power plant.”


tection system, earthing, site work (with full

commissioning and testing) and site training.

The project began in February 2016, and

the unitwas commissioned andhandedover

to the mine developer in October 2016, in

line with a challenging delivery deadline of

nine months.

“Our strong network within the WEG

Group, of which ZestWEGGroup is part, al-


Distribution inBrazil on transformer design,

manufacturing and factory testing,” Gerrard

says. “We also involved WEG Transformers

Africa – also a Zest WEG Group company –

when it came to site assembly and testing of

the mobile transformer.”

The commissioningprocess includedfinal

assemblyof the transformer, oil filtrationand

purification, and conducting a full spectrum


of all supporting substation equipment. To

ensure strict compliance, all commissioning

and testing was done in conjunction with

SNEL to meet contractual and performance


Skills transfer was facilitated by opera-

tor training conducted by Zest Energy to all

selected mine personnel, ensuring that the

substation was left in safe hands, with a

strong after-sales service to respond to any

further customer requirements.
