CHARTREUSE, a liqueur, first tickled the palates of the Car–
thusian monks. Originally prepared at their monastery, La Grand
Chartreuse, in the French Alps, but now at Tarragona, Spain. . Only
the Father Superior of the Order knows the formula, accordmg to
the legend. Analysts believe it contains balm .leaves, orange .peel,
dried hyssop tops, peppermint, wormwood, angelica seed, root, cmna–
mon, mace, cloves, Tonka beans, Calamus aromaticus, cardamon and
an herb peculiar to the region of the Grande Chartreuse. Well worth
the effort.
CREME DE MENTHE. A sissy with a punch. Sometimes
white, more often green. Mint infusion in brandy. Don't judge
a book by its cover.
CURACAO. An orange peel liqueur named for the island of
Curacao, a Dutch West Indian colony. Pronounced: Koo-rah-sah-o.
CRElViE D'VIOLETTE gets its name from the violet, from
which it is extracted. A sweet breath and a sweet disposition.
DUBONNET is a French wine prepared from special herbs.
Famous as a tonic and appetizer. We don't know what the herbs
are, but then you can buy Dubonnet. You don't have to make it.
GIN!-Remember? The old bath-tub variety spawned by Prohi–
bition? But let's discuss good gin. Distilled from malt and other
grains, then blended with the juice of the Juniper berry.
Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot?
GRAND MARNIER. Dainty and fragrant. One of the orange
liquors. Don't forget your lorgnette!